


How are u guys doing??
How was your father’s day?
Mine was great………I guess=P

My sister and I gave our dad Japanese style coffee cup. That’s shape is cool, so it’s really neat we thought:D
He lookes happy tho even he didn’t show that much, we know he does:P
Thanks always daaaaaaaaaaaad:D!!!!!!!!

Today, I went to Clare with my dad and mom.
I bought some clothes!!

Bland new clothes!!yay yay
See that pic??
How do you like themXD??
And finally I gotta square stole!! I tell friends I want that all the times, and I finally got it:D I’m so happy now!

I like talking with shop staff.
I often talk with them, which color is good on me, or what kind of clothes goes good with. They teach me much stuff about clothes. I even talk with them about something not about clothes sometimes=P
It was good shopping:D

(152 words)

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