
Fire Flower

One of my favorite w-inds. song, Fire Flower!

I went to that concert:D

nyaaaaaaaaaaa they are soooooooo hot and cool and cute and I mean they are awesome!!XD

I have that t-shirt:3 tehehe

They plant one tree for one t-shirt!!

That's ECO!!!!!

awesome eh??

I hope I could get one of those tooooooowels w-inds. throooooooown!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait their show in SUMMEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gotta go to bed noooow


(68 words)

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

OK.....put ur hands up!

i wasnt gonna leave comment, Misa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

misti さんのコメント...

thank YOOOOOU!!!!for leaving ur comment=P

put put put put ur hands uuuup!!!