
Golden Week

Today, Mari's birthday!!!!!! Yay!!!!!
Happy b-day, Mari!!!
She said that she isn't feeling very well just before the class, so I hope she will be feeling any better! Or I gonna make her happy:D

Do you guys have any plans for golden week?
Well I don't have yet...but yasterday, my mom my sis and I were talking about we gottado something!!! We thought that it gonna be nice togo to Aso, but I'm sure that it will be sooooo crowded there during golden week. Hmmmmmm what we should do then. 
Oh, I have one plan. I will have dinner with my teacher and students at english school, because the teacher's family is visiting to Japan from Canada. I heard they were so surprised how humid here is. Yah I know, it is so humid and hot here! But I hope they like here=)
Other stuff, maybe I gonna hang out with my high school friends. We haven't hung out these days.
I wish I had enough money to travel though! Fukuoka is fine! I wanna go there to shop around, or concert! omg I need to go to concert!!! I wanna scream and jump around there!  

2 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Thank you sooo much for your B-D card!! I looooove it :p
uh we should hang out somewher during G.W ne!!
Luv you <3

misti さんのコメント...

it was fun last night eh?:p
im glad u love it tho!
love u too<3