
Bowling for Columbine

I just planted mini-sunflowers as you see the picture above:D
The language of flower is “longing”.
I hope the bud would come out soooooon, I can’t wait for that!

Anyway I was dying to do honors homework. Well I think everyone were in that class right, Yoshie?
It was just sooo tough tho.

We had to write an essay about the movie “Bowling for Columbine”.
Has anyone ever watched that movie before?
It’s about the guns in State.

The director thinks why there are so many gun murders in America.
Many people say that that’s because people in America can get guns easily, and they can have guns. And that’s what I thought, too.
But here’s the thing. Canadian have more guns than America, but the gun murders are much smaller than state. The gun murders in America are more than 11,000, but less than 200 in Canada. That’s pretty interesting, right?
So it means it must be related with some culture stuff.
The director found out it’s about the “Culture of Fear”.
America has the culture of fear. People feel fear and scare, so they buy arms to protect themselves.
It’s like this. The American commercial says “If you have bad breath, people are not gonna talk to you. So here, you should buy this!” People get scare, and they buy it. So many media show some scary news or commercials on TV. But that’s the American economy is. That’s why they have culture of fear.

The interesting part was the talking with MARILYN MANSON.
They were accused by some people about the miserable incident in Columbine high, just because the criminals were listening at their songs even the president was attacking the country on that day. That’s so stupid right?
I think he talked much much much better than other voters, especially the guy who is the top of the rifle association? I mean it's funny the person who was accused about that incident talks much better stuff. And his way of thinking, too though. I think that he has the most important point about this movie.

The director says it’s also warning for British people.
But hey, here in Japan should think about too. We can’t have gun, because it’s illegal. But look, there are gun murders in Japan. Many people have two keys at door, they are getting some crime prevention stuff, parents take their kids cell phone to protect them, and the guards take care about kids to school. Many people know nothing about their neighbors.
Are we getting the culture of fear little by little? I hope Japanese can noticed something before it’s too late.
It was so hard to write an essay about it. It’s big and too difficult problems in that movie. But that movie was something. It was good to watch it for
one time in my life, I think.

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