
Essay Draft; Kumamoto Zoo

I decided to write about Kumamoto Zoo.

Kumamoto Zoo

par1. Location of the zoo
(maybe price, too)
par2. there are 4 kinds of stuff there.
(animals, amusements, plants, restaurants and souvenir shop)

par3. one recommendation of animals
(maybe talk about touch island, too)
par4. one recommendation of amusement
(new one; Chain tower or Disko)
par5. one recommendation of plants
(greenhouse; there are so many butterflies, little river-beautiful!)
par6. talk about souvenir shop
(introduce some original snacks or stuffed animals)

par7. What I think about the zoo
(I live near that zoo, so I go there least once a yr,
Almost all kids go there for picnic from school; everyone knows there,
Elderly ppl, young kids can enjoy there, they are getting new stuff recently→even we (young people) can enjoy
it’s small but nice and relaxing place)

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