
Leaving JAPAN!!!

I just arrived at Tokyo, Narita airport.
Im finally leaving Japan to San Franciscooooo!!!
Im getting realise that!!hehe

I was talking about more detail stuff about this trip w/ my friend living in SF and i just couldnt stop smiling.lol
well he IS sooo excited to see me and my sister´ω`!!!

thanx for eeeeeeeverythinggg!!!!

i might update if i have a chance to use an internet but

see you next month then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

thanks for ur sweet comment,Misa.
I wrote on Facebook,tho.
I had really hard time.
but im gonna be alright.
don worry:) enjoy ur life in state!

always luv ya!