
Spring break

In my spring break, I went to Fukuoka to go to my favorite band’s concert with my friend. Only people who join their fun club can get the tickets, and it was an awesome concert! It was so cold that day. We queued to buy some goods for about two hours, but it was so freezing, windy, and little bit raining outside. We had to queue in numeric order the, so we couldn’t buy some goods, but we bought them after the concert anyway. When we finally got inside, I was so happy that it was so warm inside. Before the show, two ladies talked to me how cold outside was, and they were from Kumamoto as well. I really enjoyed talking with them. In the show, I was really happy that the band sis many cool things. Theu sung my favorite ong and a new song for the first time, showed us a very funny video, and so on. Their dancing was so cool as well. After I got home, I was so exhausted. My bosy was muscular pain, and got sore throat, but it was an awesome show.

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