
About Yesterday

Yes, it is Friday, finally!
yaaaaay happy Friday guyzzz!

Well well well, what I gonna talk about this morning....hmmmm.
Today is hot huh? Yes always hot these days. I can not stand it. grrrrrr
Yesterday I had two exams. Listening and Reading.
Listening was pretty fine, as always:D
But Reading....ahhhh I even don't wanna think about it.
Well it was okay, really fine, but fior me, not fine at all!!
Coz it's a reading class! English class!
I should hhad studied much harder though.
Yes bad misa=(
And I was kinda depressed about it, so I decided to go back home in the difference way.
I was riding my bike on the different street, them guess what!
I met one guy I really don't wanna see never ever ever ever ever ever AGAIN!!!!
Gooooood, yes thanks god!!!

I was trying to go other ways but I had no choice. There is just one straight street to him.
Thank you very much.
ahhhh that was what happened yesterday damn it.

What's my plan for this weeekend...
Oh I have two kinda exams on Monday, so I should study huh?
Ohhhhh I'm afraid that I gonna go to bar again tomorrow.lol
I dont wanna be bad Misaaaaaa=(

Okaaaay times up!

(209 words)

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