I read this book called “Stories of Pirates”.
It has three kinds of stories of pirates and I will talk about one of them.
Sam had always wanted to be a sailor. After he got old enough, he asked Captain Winkle to join. He was so happy, but it wasn’t what he was dreamed about. All he did was cleaning up, cooking, or washing.
One night, Captain Winkle’s treasure chest was stolen by the masked pirate. Sam went to one bar which so many pirates were, and said “I heard the masked pirate was talking about where he hide his all treasure while he was dreaming” really loud voice. Suddenly one pirate rushed out of the bar then Sam found out he was the masked pirate. He followed the pirate, and called Captain Winkle. He found out his treasure chest and landed on the masked pirate.
He was really proud of Sam, and said “you can sail now, Sam!” Sam was really happy, and his dream came true.
I like pirate stories. It’s fun, because I never can do that, and find anybody who is pirate…:P
Well that book reminded me the pirate of the Caribbean, and I like that movie:D
(201 words)
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