I just gotta home right now!
Oh I’m soooo tired and sleeeeeepy….
I went to English school and have some fun again, and went to bar with my friends after that:D
You know I was so excited to go to bar today………right???
Okay guys………..guess what?
HE wasn’t there!!!!!!! (sure u guys got it)
When I opened the door in the bar, I was like a
“Hellooooooooo……..oooo??......oooooo……..oh no↓↓”
Man I WAS so disappointed tho……….
Anyways, so I decided to drink much tonight!!!
The good friend of mine, the owner was even surprised cuz I drunk much tonight.
I didn’t care about money tho.
Then some guys talked to us and we had a liiittle conversation there.
But just after about 10 minutes, they said they had to go home, cuz they would go work tomorrow 5 in the morning! I tell you, it was already 1:30 in the morning! Wow
And he said he would pay for all our drinks!!!!!!!!!
OMG we were sooooo surprised cuz you know, we just talked about 10 minutes!
Wooooow Free drinks for 4 hours!!!!!
We talked another good people and had fuuuuun.
It’s always to meet new faces there, love it!
And I talked with the owner, little bit serious conversation. He said such a sweet words and I was sooo happy to cry tho. I just decided to myself, I gonna keep in touch with him ever ever ever.
After that, we went to McDonald’s and my friend’s boyfriend paid for my food this time!
I didn’t use money at all!
OMG what a day!!!
He was also such a nice guy and we talked A LOT.
I had soooo much fun tonight even I was kinda disappointed at the first moment.lol
Well well well I hope I would have nice weekend….and u too.
Oh I’m soooo tired and sleeeeeepy….
I went to English school and have some fun again, and went to bar with my friends after that:D
You know I was so excited to go to bar today………right???
Okay guys………..guess what?
HE wasn’t there!!!!!!! (sure u guys got it)
When I opened the door in the bar, I was like a
“Hellooooooooo……..oooo??......oooooo……..oh no↓↓”
Man I WAS so disappointed tho……….
Anyways, so I decided to drink much tonight!!!
The good friend of mine, the owner was even surprised cuz I drunk much tonight.
I didn’t care about money tho.
Then some guys talked to us and we had a liiittle conversation there.
But just after about 10 minutes, they said they had to go home, cuz they would go work tomorrow 5 in the morning! I tell you, it was already 1:30 in the morning! Wow
And he said he would pay for all our drinks!!!!!!!!!
OMG we were sooooo surprised cuz you know, we just talked about 10 minutes!
Wooooow Free drinks for 4 hours!!!!!
We talked another good people and had fuuuuun.
It’s always to meet new faces there, love it!
And I talked with the owner, little bit serious conversation. He said such a sweet words and I was sooo happy to cry tho. I just decided to myself, I gonna keep in touch with him ever ever ever.
After that, we went to McDonald’s and my friend’s boyfriend paid for my food this time!
I didn’t use money at all!
OMG what a day!!!
He was also such a nice guy and we talked A LOT.
I had soooo much fun tonight even I was kinda disappointed at the first moment.lol
Well well well I hope I would have nice weekend….and u too.
(303 words)
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