I read this book called “Pocket Money”.
The main character is a little girl, Jiff. She and her family were camping on the weekend. Her dada had an idea for this camping. It was the Pocket Money List. It was about if you did finish your chores without fuss, you can get the pocket money. Jiff has two brothers and kids were all unhappy about it. They didn’t like to do their chores, but furrowed their dad.
One day, when they went to the beach and Jiff found a strange shaped stone. Her dad told her it was a fossil. She was really interested in it and wanted to find better shaped one. After they played at beach, they stopped by one shop near the beach and Jiff found a great shaped fossil. But it was little expensive, so she had an idea. She did all the jobs that her brothers was supposed to do and tried to get all pocket money. But of course her dad didn’t agree that idea. It’s important to share jobs. Jiff was so upset about it.
One day, when they went to the beach and Jiff found a strange shaped stone. Her dad told her it was a fossil. She was really interested in it and wanted to find better shaped one. After they played at beach, they stopped by one shop near the beach and Jiff found a great shaped fossil. But it was little expensive, so she had an idea. She did all the jobs that her brothers was supposed to do and tried to get all pocket money. But of course her dad didn’t agree that idea. It’s important to share jobs. Jiff was so upset about it.
When they went to beach again, they saw one camera on the rock. And the camera was almost in the water. Jiff called her dad and said she wanted to rescue it. Her dad agreed that and helped to her rescue. After she could rescue the camera, one guy came in and asked if they see his camera. She gave him his camera and the guy gave her money for rescuing. But Jiff didn’t take it, and her dad was really proud of her.
So then all kids could get the pocket money and Jiff’s brothers gave her their money! She bought a great shaped fossil that she really wanted so badly. Everyone was so happy that time.
I love beach!!! I want to go to beach in summer! I hope I can take my friends with my driving though…
(322 words)
I love beach!!! I want to go to beach in summer! I hope I can take my friends with my driving though…
(322 words)
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