I went to Shirakawa to do some fire works with my high school friends.
We already had some fire works from last year, so we just bought some drinks. There weren’t any bothering bugs there and the weather was nice and cool.
We had soooo much fun that night!!!
See the videos and pics above?=P
Fire works are fun, but we all felt like a summer is ending……yah its too early but.lol
After we talked a bit at Shirakawa, it was getting little chili so we moved to McDonald’s.
We talked about many stuff again and suddenly, we heard some noise is coming….
The voice was getting bigger and bigger and almost everyone started to look outside from the window and we did too.
And guess what there were about 100 guys were running wearing only RED Fundoshi!!!!!!!
We were like a what the hell is going on?!?!
And the guy standing next to us told us that’s a traditional for Kumadai students in the dormitory. That was sooooooooo funny tho.
We were sooo lucky to see that eh??lol
We stayed there until 1-ish in the morning. We talked about movies, love, and funny stuff as always. It’s soooo much fun to be with.
I had a GRRRREAT night!XD
When I said goodbye to them, I had little tiny frustrating stuff so I thought I have to eat something tonight!!!=S
I bought a Mentai soup and made Mentai rice ball. I already ate dinner and McDonald’s French fry too, but I didn’t care coz I had to eat!!!!!
But but but I’m reading Ehara-san’s book now.
My mom is big fan of him, and has many many his books!
I’m just learning important things frim that book.
I had’nt should be frustrated about that….Now I got regret.
but...tah I knew I hate when I do that so........I will be careful about it, I mean I will try.
I wanna be good person, and have a good life.
(328 words)
1 件のコメント:
im glad to hear that u r reading Ehara-san's book:p CUZ!! i loooove him too<3 u look a bit different!! of couse, in good way:p please keep reading.
uh, and we should fire works ne!!
i love ya<3<3<3