What I Think About Blogging
At the first, I felt little bit embarrassed about writing my blog, because I felt like I was talking to myself.
But now I kind of like blogging. On mixi, if I write my glog, my friends leave their comments on it. So if I have something that I want to solve, I ask about it on the blog, and my friends give me many advices with comments. And I write blog when I feel really down, or had really bad thing happened. My friends’ comments cheer me up always. Or I write it when I get frustrated about something. After writing, I get calm down many times. It’s also good to keep in touch with my friends.
I have some friends living far away from here, so I can see what is going on them. I have some friends who I have never seen face to face or even friends from different countries. But we are really good friends. I write blog Japanese and English,so it is also good practice for my English.
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Pocket Money

One day, when they went to the beach and Jiff found a strange shaped stone. Her dad told her it was a fossil. She was really interested in it and wanted to find better shaped one. After they played at beach, they stopped by one shop near the beach and Jiff found a great shaped fossil. But it was little expensive, so she had an idea. She did all the jobs that her brothers was supposed to do and tried to get all pocket money. But of course her dad didn’t agree that idea. It’s important to share jobs. Jiff was so upset about it.
I love beach!!! I want to go to beach in summer! I hope I can take my friends with my driving though…
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Again and Again!
yah I know I said I wasn't going to but I did. yes shut up!lol
Isn't it such a good timing?
Uhhhh thanks god.
But it was sooo much fun tho.
I took 2 friends of mine, and they looked had sooo much fun as well, so I was soooo happy then:D
I'm for sure that we gonna go there again and again!
We had fuuuuuun talking with people there as always.
And we gotta some candies and little food on a house!
And guess what the guy paid for our drinks again!
Woooow how lucky I am!
What happened misaaaaa!!!
I didn't go to karaoke after that, cuz I helped closing up the bar passed 3-ish so....the owner backed home so....lol
sorry for my sis.
anyway hope my lucky days will continue though...really!
gotta do my damn homeworks. hooooooly s&%$.
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Nothing to Write About...
I came here by bike, so it's soooooo hot!!!
Uh...Idon't know what I gonna write about....
Yesterday, I backed home and did nothing though...yah I did have to do my honors homework, butI couldn't do that....so I texted yoshie and say hey, do you think that I can turn it in on Saturday? and she said she would too so I was so releafed...Uh I'm soooooo glad that she is in the honors class!!!
Ayway....Today.....I'mgoing to English school, and maybe hang out with my friend after that...and go to karaoke with my sister:D I'm not going to bar this weekend(T-T) I don't wanna waste of my time and money....! I I I I I I hate it when I screw up something.
Okay now what, I have nothing to write about again....3 more minutes left....:P
Okay! Do you guys know what next Wednesday is???
Yaaaaaah w-inds. is going to release NEW ALBUM!!
I gonna buy it on that day at Tawor record!
Go check it up yo!
Time's up!
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All About My Keitai
When I got my own cell phone for the first time, it was about six or seven years ago. I love text messaging that time. I used to text to my friends all the time and could type really fast. But now, I really don’t like text messaging for somehow. I just can’t stand it when people text me just saying “Hey, what are you doing?” I really can’t understand why people text with those messages! I normally don’t apply text messages if they are not that important, and everyone understands that now.
I can’t do something when I text to someone. And some people apply messages too fast! So sometimes I get so frustrated and just turn off my cell phone. So if I see new people, I even say I don’t text message and am not that diligent so let’s change cell pone number!
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The Magic Key

The main characters are Chip and Jiff.
When Chi was sleeping on the bed late at night, he noticed something really bright. He waked up and saw his treasure box was growing. He grubbed that box and ran to his sister, Jiff’s room. He showed that box to Jiff, and they were really surprised and excited. When Jiff looked inside, she saw the key was growing. She took the key out of the box. When they touched the key, suddenly their bodies got smaller and smaller. Everything looked very big for them. There was a big house, toy house in front of them. They walked to the house and tried to get in. But suddenly one big black shadow appeared back of them. It was a small mouse but huge one for them. They screamed and got really scared. Chip grubbed the magic key and Chip and Jiff touched again. Then their bodies got bigger and bigger. Their bodies backed to normal. So then they could let the mouse away from them. It was really exciting adventure night for them.
This is cool. I wish I could be very small for one night. I want to play inside my toy house, and enjoy wearing the doll’s all cute clothes!
I’m soooooo sleeeeppppyyyyy……..
My junior high friend called me last night…and we met up 2ish in the late night? so late ehh?
He brought two more junior high friends so I felt weird at the first, but it was sooo much fuuuun:D
We had no plan, so we just dove somewhere and talked about we should do fire works in that rain (lol), play games, or going to karaoke and that kinda stuff. Finally we decided to go to Round 1 and played some games and darts.
OMG it was soooo much fun to play darts tho!
I’m for sure that we were so crazy and noisy.hahaha
We went to McDonald’s in the morning and had breakfast. We talked a lot and crapped our hands, and again, we were soooo noisy:P
They were sooo funny, so now, I have a muscle pain in my stomache! I laughed out my loud too much=P
And now I got home.
Aaaaaaand definitely time to get some sleeeeeeeeeep.
Gooood niiiight!
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Lucky Day!

Oh I’m soooo tired and sleeeeeepy….
I went to English school and have some fun again, and went to bar with my friends after that:D
You know I was so excited to go to bar today………right???
Okay guys………..guess what?
HE wasn’t there!!!!!!! (sure u guys got it)
When I opened the door in the bar, I was like a
“Hellooooooooo……..oooo??......oooooo……..oh no↓↓”
Man I WAS so disappointed tho……….
Anyways, so I decided to drink much tonight!!!
The good friend of mine, the owner was even surprised cuz I drunk much tonight.
I didn’t care about money tho.
Then some guys talked to us and we had a liiittle conversation there.
But just after about 10 minutes, they said they had to go home, cuz they would go work tomorrow 5 in the morning! I tell you, it was already 1:30 in the morning! Wow
And he said he would pay for all our drinks!!!!!!!!!
OMG we were sooooo surprised cuz you know, we just talked about 10 minutes!
Wooooow Free drinks for 4 hours!!!!!
We talked another good people and had fuuuuun.
It’s always to meet new faces there, love it!
And I talked with the owner, little bit serious conversation. He said such a sweet words and I was sooo happy to cry tho. I just decided to myself, I gonna keep in touch with him ever ever ever.
After that, we went to McDonald’s and my friend’s boyfriend paid for my food this time!
I didn’t use money at all!
OMG what a day!!!
He was also such a nice guy and we talked A LOT.
I had soooo much fun tonight even I was kinda disappointed at the first moment.lol
Well well well I hope I would have nice weekend….and u too.
I bet you all are happy today! Well I hope so, because I am!:P
I don't know...what I going to write about....
Today I'm going to bar again!yay
I can see your face says again? Shut up.lol
That's the only thing I am really looking forward to for every weekend, so it is okay tho:D
But these days I think that I spend too much money ehh?
Bar costs a lot. It's expensive if you go there often, of course.
But their drinks are much much much better than normal Izakaya!
And they can make any drinks for you. Even they make one just for me!
That's the best thing tho:D
I alway talk with many people there.
It's just so much fun yo!
Uhhhhh okay now what I gonna write about agaiiiin.....
What are YOU guys going to do this weekend?
Do you guys have any plans yet?
I hope you have great weekend=)
That was like ending...lol
Okiiiieeees, summer is coming!
I am going to some concerts this summer!
One is of course w-inds.! I go to all their concerts:P
Their concerts are......Oh My God! Awesome!!!
Yes I cannot express my feeling about it! How great their concerts are. I just cannot.
I wish I just can go take my friends and see what their concerts are like.
Well go to their concert least once in your life guys!=P
Okay time is up!
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Hello Kitty nails
After I got home, I felt like I really wanna decorate my nails today!
I just prepared nail stuff, and started decorating my nails.
This time, the theme is “Hello Kitty”:D!
How do you like my nails:)???
I wish I could have more tools for decorating nails tho….they are too expensive for me…(T-T)
It always takes me a while to decorate my nails, but I can concentrate for really long time. I always listen to my favorite music and just keep concentrate. I get tired each time when I finish it, but I feel so gooood!
My motto is not using steckers=P
When I change my nails, I feel different:D
Happy Friday tomorroooooowwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
I love you guuuuuuuuuys!!!!!!!!!
Using the Computer, good points and bad points
The good points of using computer are first, I can play with many stuff in the computer. For example, I can download music, movies or games, or I can have fun with mixi, facebook and so on. I can also keep in touch with my friends using the computer even they live far away. Second, it is very easy to do my homework. I can save many dates in my computer, and the computer does correct my essays at Microsoft words, or calculate something for me. It is very useful.
The bad points of using computer are first, it isn’t good to use computer for my eyes. I have to take a break once a while. Second, I can’t easily go to sleep after I use the computer at night. Using the computer at late night keeps waking me up. So I should use the computer not before I go to bed.
I often chat on the internet, or download music, but my parents are always worried about if my eyes get worse, because I already have bad eyes. I use glasses in the classes.
I don't like wearing glasses, and it REALLY bothers me when I go to concerts!!!!!!!
woooo I hate it!!!!!!
So many of my friends say I should get contact lens, but im little bit afraid to wear that, and its expensive=(
But I have to get them before I go to w-inds.'s concert this summer!!!!!!
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Random post:3
Yesterday, I went to English school and had Robert's class, TOEIC class that day.
When I got English school, nobody was there.......I asked another teacher where the hell everyone goes??? And she told me everyone didn't wanna study today! And they don't like Robert, so they were skipping!lol ..u know she was just joking:P
but there were just two students yesterday tho. Everyone was tired that day for somehow=P
Anyway Robert also teaches at KGU. And he said he had class today, so I went to see him before the class today.
I was sneaking his class and siad heeeeeeeeey g'mor, how was your claaas? Were u been nice to students? hahaha
We talked for a bit, I know some of his students looked at him like who is he talking to???
I felt little bit weird talking with him at school tho.
And at english school, I met him again, of course and he said bring me chocolate or something next time!
and everyone started saying to me, huh? give chocolate? for me too! me too! me too!......lol
I like all the teachers and students there. They are always so funny and sooooo nice:)
Well he said he gonna have speaking class on our grade in 2nd semester, still donno which class he gonna take, but it would be funny if he would take my class! well hope so!
happy thursdaaaaaay.......yah right.LOL
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I hung out with my cool friend, Nakasan last night. We went to McDonald’s in Kengun, yah that’s our place:P
We haven’t hung out for little while, so it was soooooooo much fun!!!!
Hanging out with him is just soooooo much funXD He is the funniest person I ever seen!!!!!!!!! We talked about a lot of stuff and I just told him that I gonna go to driving school soon and talked we gotta go to Clare!!! That’s our plan for this year! We know that would be awesome!
And he just bought a magazine called men’s egg, I guess everyone knows that, and we enjoyed looking that. It was funny, because we always takes his pics like GAL-O (bad guy) ……lol And that famouse model was doing exactly same posing as Nakasan!!! (See in the pic above???LOL)
So, we did that again, and texed those pics to our another friends in Tokyo-we ALWAYS do that=P We loooove stupid stuff!hahaha
I had stomachache after we back home, I ate too much yesterday……yah I know I should go on dieeeeeeeeeet!!!! Summer is coming!!!!!
Nakasan and I made some plans for summer too:D
For today, I went to bar again. There were some people there and they were soooo funny tho. I love talking people there.
I have only one period tomorroooow!!!yay yay
See u guys in the claaaass!!!
How are u guys doing??
How was your father’s day?
Mine was great………I guess=P
My sister and I gave our dad Japanese style coffee cup. That’s shape is cool, so it’s really neat we thought:D
He lookes happy tho even he didn’t show that much, we know he does:P
Thanks always daaaaaaaaaaaad:D!!!!!!!!
Today, I went to Clare with my dad and mom.
I bought some clothes!!
See that pic??
How do you like themXD??
And finally I gotta square stole!! I tell friends I want that all the times, and I finally got it:D I’m so happy now!
I like talking with shop staff.
I often talk with them, which color is good on me, or what kind of clothes goes good with. They teach me much stuff about clothes. I even talk with them about something not about clothes sometimes=P
It was good shopping:D
My Favorite Movie

The main character is one skeleton named Jack. He lives in a town called Halloween town. Everyday is Halloween there, and everyone enjoyed it. However Jack was getting tired of Halloween. One night he was walking around the forest and had gone to another town. It was Christmas town. Everyday was Christmas there. Everyone was so happy there and Jack was super amazed how great Christmas was. And he decided to have Christmas in his town. He learned a lot of things in the Christmas town, and made Christmas trees, snow, Christmas presents and more, but it was not that easy for him and all his friends in his town....
I love all the music in that movie!!!
They are sooooo amazing!!!!
My favorite song is “what is this” singing by Fall Out Boy which is one of my favorite band! That singing part is about that jack arrived to Christmas town and was amazed everything. I really like that scene.
I also like the song "This is Halloween" singing by Marilyn Manson.
Now, guess what that movie-3D version is coming back on the theator this October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummmmm I don't think I cant watch that here Kumamoto(T-T)sucks
Anyways I always watch that movie before Halloween or Christmas. I love those events the most! Well maybe everyone does=P
I can't wait for those! Too looooooong(T-T)
Stories of GHOSTS

I read this book called “Stories of GHOSTS”.
It has three kinds of stories about ghosts, so I will talk about one story from them now.
Tammy goes to Creepy College, and learns how to be a ghost. She loves studying and always wants to be a great ghost. However, in each lessons, she couldn’t do any better like other friends. She couldn’t through the wall, but other students could. She couldn’t scare people but others could. She couldn’t move something in the air, but others could.
She was really depressed and studied after school by herself. When she tried to go back home, she found out that one cat had knocked over the torches, and school was on the fire!
Right after she found that, she ran to the room has phone. However the door was locked. She remembered how her teacher had taught how to through the wall. She was concentrated, and she could through the door! She called to the fire works, but they said it would take 15 minutes. That time, she found a big track was carrying much sand. That time, she could scare the track driver and he ran away. After that, she could move the track in the air, and put sand over the school, and the fire was gone.
Teachers and students came to school, and she was the star from that day. She got A on her grade, and she was so happy.
I wish I could move things in the air! That would be awesome. I don’t have to move around to grab something when I’m tired or something:D
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Anyway, we shoped around and found some cute clothes!! And time passed by....and we realised that " hey! we didn't find any good present for our dad!!!" We totally forggot.lol sory dad.
We found a cool coffee cup which is really neat japanese style. We hope he would like that:D
After we got home, yah I had to do my faaaaavorite homework, honors hooomeworrrrrk!!!!woooooooooo
Okay Iknow I had to, but I REALLY didn't feel like to....I felt really bad and decided to go to bet really early...=( But but but I waked up many times and just stupid dreams kept waking ne uppppp!!!!! I slept much but I feel like Ijust had one hour sleep.
Maybe my body thought "YOU HAVE TO UR HW MISA!!!! WAKE UP!!!".....uhhhhhhh
Fire Works!!!
I went to Shirakawa to do some fire works with my high school friends.
We already had some fire works from last year, so we just bought some drinks. There weren’t any bothering bugs there and the weather was nice and cool.
We had soooo much fun that night!!!
See the videos and pics above?=P
Fire works are fun, but we all felt like a summer is ending……yah its too early but.lol
After we talked a bit at Shirakawa, it was getting little chili so we moved to McDonald’s.
We talked about many stuff again and suddenly, we heard some noise is coming….
The voice was getting bigger and bigger and almost everyone started to look outside from the window and we did too.
And guess what there were about 100 guys were running wearing only RED Fundoshi!!!!!!!
We were like a what the hell is going on?!?!
And the guy standing next to us told us that’s a traditional for Kumadai students in the dormitory. That was sooooooooo funny tho.
We were sooo lucky to see that eh??lol
We stayed there until 1-ish in the morning. We talked about movies, love, and funny stuff as always. It’s soooo much fun to be with.
I had a GRRRREAT night!XD
When I said goodbye to them, I had little tiny frustrating stuff so I thought I have to eat something tonight!!!=S
I bought a Mentai soup and made Mentai rice ball. I already ate dinner and McDonald’s French fry too, but I didn’t care coz I had to eat!!!!!
But but but I’m reading Ehara-san’s book now.
My mom is big fan of him, and has many many his books!
I’m just learning important things frim that book.
I had’nt should be frustrated about that….Now I got regret.
but...tah I knew I hate when I do that so........I will be careful about it, I mean I will try.
I wanna be good person, and have a good life.
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Shopping Day

My mom asked me to go with for shopping.
I was excited to shop around, loooove shopping.
My mom found cute pare of shoes, clothes and other stuff and bought them, but……there weren’t any cute clothes that day tho…sometimes happens=S
My mom always said that I need to buy more shoes. I don’t like shopping shoes, cuz I hardly find cute shoes that fit my feet….I hate it(T-T)
There were soooo many cute shoes for 5~7 yrs old kids. I’m soooo jealous of them=P
We ate parfaits. My mom had a green tea one, and I did a mango one as u see the picture above:D
I think I gonna do some nails stuff tonight. I haven’t been doing that these days so…
That’s all for now! Bye-bye:3
Halloween Hunt

The main character is one little boy named Nate the Great.
On Halloween, his friend named Rosamond came to his house and asked for help. Her little black cat named Little Hex was missing. Little Hex was scared of Halloween, so she ran away she said. Nate the Great and his dog named Sludge went to haunted house to find Little Hex. Sludge was scared of Halloween and he was hiding under the chair and sheet. Nate the Great didn’t believe haunted house but he and Sludge heard some weird noises and were locked inside. That time, he was believed haunted house. They could go outside because Sludge made a small hole through outside.
They went to home and Nate the Great thought what Little Hex could do if she was scared of Halloween. Seeing Sludge, he was hiding under something all the times. He got an idea and went to Rosamond’s home. When he opened her Halloween basket, Little Hex was there.
There was another clue. Rosamond came to his home with her friend. When Nate the Great gave Rosamond’s friend Halloween candies, Rosamond said she didn’t need any more candies, because her basket was heavy. But how it could happen even she was trick or treating with her friend all the time. Those are why he found out where Little Hex was. They were all happy and had Halloween party that night.
My favorite events are Halloween and Christmas. Well mybe everyone does=P
I can’t wait to go to Halloween party this year! And I gonna have Halloween party at my house this year so I’m pretty excited about it! But I wanna have party more early….I can’t wait for so loooong=( I love parties.
Until October, are there any cool events???? I’m pretty bored though.
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McDonald's in the Morning:D

I was kinda tired and felled asleep when i got home after English school.
I had bad night....or should I say weird night....I mean....I donno:O
well around 2 in the morning, my sister waked me up.........yah I totally forgot to go to karaoke with her!!!
we went like 3 in the morning, then sung for couple hours.
it was 5 in the morning so we went to McDonald's.woooooo
I loooooove egg maphines and hushed potatoes.
It has been a while since I ate those.
But hmmmm I think that those in State were better than those....I guess.
I mean McDonald's in State were more oily and I loved that.lol
I love IN-N-OUT best!!!
u have no idea how many times ive been there:P
anyway gotta get dress so I can go out tonight!
yoshie, thanks for the last night, and sorry that i left damn long comment on ur blog.lol
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My plans for this weekend
Today, I'm going to English school as always, and hang around with my teachers. After that, I'm going to bar and go on a date I guess...don't laugh at me.lol
On Saturday, I will do some fire works with my high school friends. We tried to do that last year actually, but we couldn't. That's because there wee toooooo much moskitors!!!!! And funny thing is that we bought some fire works together and tried to do some.....but we couldn't open the bag of the fire works.lol Really. We tried hard but we couldn'y, so we desided to do some next year which mean tomorrooooow:P
It has been a while since I did some fire works, so I7m pretty excited about it. And I do hope there won't be any bugs! i hate bugs sooooo much.
On Sunday, I'm going to pizza party:D Free pizza and drink yay! I looooove pizzaXD<3 class="Apple-style-span" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">5000 yen left.
Do you think that i can make it through then?:O well i have to.
Oh I went to karaoke with Mari yesterday! It was fuuuuun:D
I sungmany many many avril's songs! Well maybe I sung too many avril songs:P But I love her songs.
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I red this book called "Blackmail".
It has two stories which are Blackmail and An Exciting Holiday. I liked An Exciting Holiday one.
The main charactor is Suzi and her family went on holiday to Scotland. First she was so bored because she didn't have friends there. Her parent recomend one guy named Matt but he wasn't fun and interesting for her. Later She met one guy named Paco but her parent didn't like him just because they never met him.But one night they was in danger because the boat's engine didn't work. So Suzi called Paco for help and he was really good with engine stuff. After that her parent liked him.
I like meeting new people at new place, so I liked that story. It made me feel that i want to travel to somewhere! I want to go to beautifull beach sooooo bad!!
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Fire Flower
One of my favorite w-inds. song, Fire Flower!
I went to that concert:D
nyaaaaaaaaaaa they are soooooooo hot and cool and cute and I mean they are awesome!!XD
I have that t-shirt:3 tehehe
They plant one tree for one t-shirt!!
That's ECO!!!!!
awesome eh??
I hope I could get one of those tooooooowels w-inds. throooooooown!!!!!!!!!!
I can't wait their show in SUMMEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gotta go to bed noooow
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My Other Classes
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Foreign Countries
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Stories of Pirate

I read this book called “Stories of Pirates”.
It has three kinds of stories of pirates and I will talk about one of them.
Sam had always wanted to be a sailor. After he got old enough, he asked Captain Winkle to join. He was so happy, but it wasn’t what he was dreamed about. All he did was cleaning up, cooking, or washing.
One night, Captain Winkle’s treasure chest was stolen by the masked pirate. Sam went to one bar which so many pirates were, and said “I heard the masked pirate was talking about where he hide his all treasure while he was dreaming” really loud voice. Suddenly one pirate rushed out of the bar then Sam found out he was the masked pirate. He followed the pirate, and called Captain Winkle. He found out his treasure chest and landed on the masked pirate.
He was really proud of Sam, and said “you can sail now, Sam!” Sam was really happy, and his dream came true.
I like pirate stories. It’s fun, because I never can do that, and find anybody who is pirate…:P
Well that book reminded me the pirate of the Caribbean, and I like that movie:D
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About my Weekend!

Helloooooo guyz:3
I can’t believe it’s still Monday today…I feel like a it’s already Friday or something.
I went out too much on weekend this time:O
Weeeeell I haven’t hung out last month so that’s ok I think.
But I got soooo tired so I learned a lesson:P
I went to bar on Fri. and stayed there until 2 in the morning:3
Ok I know again.lol that’s why I spent too much money these days:S
Anyway I went to party on Sat. night.
OMG it was sooooooooo much fun tho!!XD
We had to dress up so I met up my friends downtown and changed ourdress:D
When we got there, there were already soooooo many ppl!
We had to sit really squished, and even some ppl couldn’t sit.
And many many foreigners than we expected.
It was soooo much fun to talk with them!XD
Some of them were so drunk and went crazy tho…:O
it was soooo funny!We talked about many many stuff. Sometimes discussed about some stuff.
God I looooove that.
And I was sooo happy that my friends loooooved there, too!!!
We stayed last like 3-ish in the morning.
We helped cleaning up little bit, we were exhaustedX(
Maybe we gonna go there together again sooooooon:P
I went to movie to watch "Narnia" with my friend.
Hmmmm that was ooookay:S
I mean it was toooo long, 2 hrs and a half!!
We had a couple seat so it was more comfortable than normal seats but we got sooooo tired….Well maybe some ppl haven’t watched and might go so I won’t talk about that story I suppose.
But ummmm I don’t recommend u so=S
After the movie, he took me a really nice night view spot and I was soo happy:D
I met him in the bar.
I have only 3000 yen left……
Gotta do some jobs this weekend=(sucks
I better finish reading The Great Gyatsby so c u guys in the class!