I loooooove go shopping with her!
We wanted to buy one cloth we really liked before, so we decoded to go to Hikarinomori.
But before we go there, we went to some clothes shop in our town, Kengun.
Then we found that cloth really really cheap at another shop!!!
So we bought it, and I had some Halloween stuff.
We gotta cloth we want, so we didn't have to go to Hikarinomori.
But we were hungry, so we went to Kurimo to have lunch instead.
Kurimo is more close to our house.
My sister said she wanna eat pasta, so we went to pasta restaurant.
She had a cream pasta with some mashrooms.
I had a tomato sauce pasta with sone pumpkins and some fries.
They were sooooo goooooooood!!!
We had chocolate cakes for dessart, man we were sooo full tho.
And they were on me=P
I just gotta pay so......:D
Then I had to go to dentist, so we backed hoooome.
I cried at dentist....=(
It hurted sooooo baaaaaaaaad....
I was running away even tho I knew I have to go to dentist since January!!!!God!
I knoooow I'm an idiot...=(
Next Saturday, I gonna get a shot!!!awwwwwww too scaryyyy!
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