I read a book called ARTHUR’S FIRST KISS.
It was such a cute story I think.
It was about one little boy named Arthur. He was going to have his birthday party. And his friend told him that Francine was planning to kiss him during his birthday party. He was surprised and he just didn’t want to be kissed by her!hahah He backed home and told that story to his sister. She said she would help him, but he was wondering how she would do that. Next day, his friends came to his home with presents. He and his friends were having fun at party. But he was still worried about the kissing.
He was afraid that the bottle kissing game would be held. Unfortunately his couple friends, Francine and her friend started preparing for the game. Francine was writing for the boys but she only wrote Arthur. And her friends did for the girls and she wrote only Francine, so Francine could kiss him! And one little girl was watching that, it was Arthur’s little sister!
When she found out that, Arthur’s eyes were tied with white towel by his friends. Francine picked one piece of paper said Arthur, of course. She was trying to kiss him, but that time, one dog jumped at Arthur’s face and licked him.
He was so surprised but happy that his first kiss was his sweet dog. And it was because of his little sister.
After the party, he thanked her and gave her a birthday cake.
First kiss was a dog! It was cute, yes very cute:D I have seen the bottle kissing game in the movie but do people really do that game in other country? I wonder…..
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