I didn't have work on Sunday!yay yay
I was gonna go out with my friend, so I asked my sister's bf (I work with him) to replace Sunday to Monday!
.....But I didn't go out (some guys know about that...lol), so it was free Sunday!!!!
I haven't had free day for little while.
I go downtown all the week for work and English school.......awwwwwww
I was been sooooo lazy like you can't believe.lol
I slept A LOTS!!!!!
My sister came home from work so I asked her to go to Starbucks.
It was chilli day, right?
So I wanted to drink some hot drink and get warmerrrrrr.
I had a White chocolate as always:D
And Green tea something for my sister.
Oh I found some good one on Starbucks homepage.
Salt caramel hot chocolate, hezelnuts hot chocolate....?!
omg sounds reaaaaally goooood!!
Are there in Japan as well???
Tell meeeeee!
Anyway we went to grocely shop to buy some snacks and ate.
Getting faaaaaaat I knooooooow!!!!!:S
Oh I have to finish my homework for English Linguistic class!!!!!!
Wooooo I can do iiiiiiit!!!X(
So see ya guys lateerrrrr~~~
(192 words)
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