Last school for this week!
i gotta milk tea.
we met sayaka and marina.
we were talking about our halloween karaoke party!
god i cant wait for thaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!
and god love them!!!!!!!!!!!
they just make me happy always:D
well after schoooooool,
i went to menicon to make contact lens for the first time!!!!!!!
i tried a free trial, two weeks.
i was sooooo scared to put on contact lens but they are awesome!
i can see maaaaaaaaaaany thing even in far away!!!!yay yay
i was sooo happy about it.
the stuff were soooo kind and they explained detals to me really gently.
thanks nakashaaaaaan:D!!!
after that i went to english school.
talked with mu friend about her love stuff again~
ummmmm so jelous!haha
oh i talked with my friend on the phone.
i haven seen her for little while, so i was sooooo happy to talk with her:D
she moved her house so my other friends and i are going to visit her house!
its gonna be awesome:3
her house has este now, cooooooooool huh???
oh i have to finish up power words!
so sleepy tho........
Such a Bad Day....
all my class sucked yesterday...
i even cried...during the class...awwwww
thanks god, i cry a lots these days!
i hate when people say something stupid things to me, even they dont know anything about me.
they decide that im stupid like i cant speak english at all,
im lazy like i dont turn my home at all,
i play a lots like i dont go to school at all.....
i hate it.
im not like that person at all.
i love english then love speaking english, trying to speak english,
i turn all my homework with my best, i can say i always do my best with my homework and take a long time to turn it in perfect,
i go to school everyday.
thats for the first period.
then i had really bad second period.
she just......i dunno.
i worked on my homework for sooooooo long time with my teacher, native teacher.
he is such a great guy.
he is very very smart.
i know that for sure.
is she better than him?
better english than native english teacher?
yeah right.
hahaha thats funny.
she cant say that.
she cant say like that to me, cause i did my best on my essay.
how can she say that, even she sees my tears.
i dunno what she is thinking about and i never wanna know.
i dont wanna see her never again.
sorry but not for me.
i dont need ya.
well lets done with stupid stories.
i bought cakes for me as a treat.
i always gime me something make me happy when i had a bad day.
i even called nakashan yesterday,haha
dont care about wht people say; stupid people say.
i just cant take their way of thinking, so i dont care anymore, thats it.
i did my best, then im satisfied about it.
i never thought that my english teacher that helped me my essay is bad or something.
i love him.
thats it.
thats my way of thinking.
Monday agin!
I was doing my homeworrrrrk, well that's abusolutely my fault, huh?
Well I am kinda sick today...awwww
I'm afraid to be sick!!!!
No way no waaaaaaay!!!
I CAN'T be sick until Halloweeeeeeeen!!!!!
I wash my hands like a southands times.lol
No one can give me sick oe something! No!
I won't be sick, nooooo fricking waaay!
Oh my 3rd period was canceled!!!!
Lucky meee♪
I wasn't feel like a taking class today....
Last night, my sister helped my homework reaaaally well!
Thanks thanks thanks her!!
I have work today~with Nakashan!
Ahhhhh I have a lots of things to do this time!!!
I have to finish making my dress for halloween,
go to eye hospital to make contacts lens!(is that how you say it???),
go to dentist, :(
go to hair salon,
of course finish my homework asap!phewwww
Lazy Sunday...
I didn't have work on Sunday!yay yay
I was gonna go out with my friend, so I asked my sister's bf (I work with him) to replace Sunday to Monday!
.....But I didn't go out (some guys know about that...lol), so it was free Sunday!!!!
I haven't had free day for little while.
I go downtown all the week for work and English school.......awwwwwww
I was been sooooo lazy like you can't believe.lol
I slept A LOTS!!!!!
My sister came home from work so I asked her to go to Starbucks.
It was chilli day, right?
So I wanted to drink some hot drink and get warmerrrrrr.
I had a White chocolate as always:D
And Green tea something for my sister.
Oh I found some good one on Starbucks homepage.
Salt caramel hot chocolate, hezelnuts hot chocolate....?!
omg sounds reaaaaally goooood!!
Are there in Japan as well???
Tell meeeeee!
Anyway we went to grocely shop to buy some snacks and ate.
Getting faaaaaaat I knooooooow!!!!!:S
Oh I have to finish my homework for English Linguistic class!!!!!!
Wooooo I can do iiiiiiit!!!X(
So see ya guys lateerrrrr~~~
(192 words)
Busy busy Saturday!
Wow for me!=P
That's because my cousin came to my house.
She is 19, same as me and works at photopgraph shop.
She has really good talent of taking photoes, and has won some prise for photographs.
Her mom's work had a festival about cars check.
So she came to house and went to that festival really for a short time.
Actually we just got free popcorns, sodas, and my mom bought some vegitables and sweets.
And we enjoyed some car stuff.
She came to my home, because I set her hair for her cousin's wedding!
I wanna go to weddinnnnng!
She also took some great pics for my mom and me:D
After that, Nakashan came to my house=D!!!
He tried setting my hair for Halloween party this time!!!!!
God, it was awesome!!!!
I was sooooo excited and just surprised how he did such a great work!!!!!
Then we put our dress on and took pic.......maaaaaaan it was awesome!!!
I wanna show you guys, but I gonna update many photoes after Halloween parties, so I won't for now=P
Ahhhhhhhh I can't wat for the Halloween again!!!!!!XDXDXD
After that we went to work together, because it was Saturday.
Same as always, but I had a aweful costomers again!
Wooooooooo I HATE IT!!!!!!
I just hate sooooo rude and stupid customers!!!!!
I cried again...=(
Ahhhh I don't wanna cry at my work never again...=(
But if Nakashan wasn't there with me, I must been soooooooooooooo sad and depressed...
So thanks for being with Nakashan!
But Nakashan and other coworkers were soooo kind to me, so that made me cry....of course for good waaaaay!!!!!
Thanks them really, again, I'm sooo happy to work there=D
And now, with Nakashan soooooo happy for me=D!!!
Well I can't be sad or something just because of stupid as&%#le!!
I can't care about that kinda stupid stuff, be strooooong, misaaaaa!!!!!
Oh that Saturday was suuuuuch a busy days!
Nakashan and I were kind of frustrated of some stuff, because of busy work.pheeeew
We didn't have time to eat dinner there as always.....stupid last tram=(
We had one bite from Wataken...hehehe
So we went to McDonalds to get some foooood, 400yes for Teriyaki burgers just on weekend, so that was good deal:)
It was such a looooooong day!
But I could spend my time with my favorite people, so it was good day though:D
Hope next Saturday would be awesome night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(467 words)
A Sunny Doll
And he missed his last tram because he was helping me!!!
Ahhhhh I felt teribly soooorrrrryyyyyyy=(
He is soooo kind.....
Thank him a LOTS!!!!
I could finished my homework now:D
I talked with him a bit about English and I just wonder what I wanna do.
Well I wanna be English conversation teacher in the future, so Do I have to do all this extra essay stuff? I mean, I wanna learn grammar and conversation, but what I am learing in honors is how to write deep essay...hmmm
He was right.
If I wanna do more different job then it gonna be different again...
Well I will take honors clas anyay though.
I have a discuttion class and it sounds like a good for me.
Well I was chatting with my friend, and he didn't have a best day, and he said he would be okay if it's sunny today, so I mad a sunny doll for him.hahaha
I hope it worked but it was kkkkkinda rain huh?
Anyway last night, my sister was helping my homework too and it was really knd of her:D
(222 words)

I read a book called ARTHUR’S FIRST KISS.
It was such a cute story I think.
It was about one little boy named Arthur. He was going to have his birthday party. And his friend told him that Francine was planning to kiss him during his birthday party. He was surprised and he just didn’t want to be kissed by her!hahah He backed home and told that story to his sister. She said she would help him, but he was wondering how she would do that. Next day, his friends came to his home with presents. He and his friends were having fun at party. But he was still worried about the kissing.
He was afraid that the bottle kissing game would be held. Unfortunately his couple friends, Francine and her friend started preparing for the game. Francine was writing for the boys but she only wrote Arthur. And her friends did for the girls and she wrote only Francine, so Francine could kiss him! And one little girl was watching that, it was Arthur’s little sister!
When she found out that, Arthur’s eyes were tied with white towel by his friends. Francine picked one piece of paper said Arthur, of course. She was trying to kiss him, but that time, one dog jumped at Arthur’s face and licked him.
He was so surprised but happy that his first kiss was his sweet dog. And it was because of his little sister.
After the party, he thanked her and gave her a birthday cake.
First kiss was a dog! It was cute, yes very cute:D I have seen the bottle kissing game in the movie but do people really do that game in other country? I wonder…..
Talking about Wednesday
We were planning to go to her Yakiniku restaurant.
But her boss called her in the morning to call up her to come to work, because there were not enough people at restaurant.
She has worked there for a long time, so it happens a lot.
So we couldn’t go to her restaurant.
We went to DonoDono instead of that.
You can eat many food mainly pasta and pizza, and drink as much as you want for 1400 yen.
Their food was sooooooo goooood.
First we had some deserts, brownies, pumpkin cakes…..

Then we had a Mentai Potato pizza, and other good food with salad.

Then then carbonara pasta…..

And shrimps itarian pasta….

Yah we ate a lots!!!!!
We were soooo satisfied and full!
Then we went to Hamasen to shop some stuff.
I was trying to find good tumbler, but I couldn’t.
Then we went to Mister Donuts and went back to home.

It’s gun to go out or eat some good food with my sister.
I have to go shopping with her; it’s the best for me:D
Then I went to English school, I had homework to do there.
About honors homework, I wrote an essay about American education, and then I translated to English.
Before I give that homework, my essay has to be checked by native English speaker.
So I asked one of my teachers at English school.
It was.....tough.
Well I kind of cried.ahhhhh....
Of course he was ckecking my grammar, but he was also checking inside of my essay.
Then of course he can't read my Japanese essay, so I had to explain what I wanna tell about an essay.
But it was tough, because I was getting confused what I really wanna talk about and what I wanna solve and show my solution in the essay.
But he asked me a lot of questions and I couldn't answer a lot of them.
There are soooo many ways to show in English, so he had to understand my essay exactly, that's why.
But I was getting confused, and was soooo sad that how much I couldn't show my feeling in English, how much I couldn't understand my essay even in Japanese.
English, well essay is tough though.ahhhhh....
It was such a difficult day.....
We stopped our work after about 2 hours? Because I was getting confused and almost cried in front of him.
That reminds me my oversea in US.
I was doing my homework with my host dad with crying, everytime.yah
It was such a tough year.
Then I was depressed about those, then my friend at English school asked me to go to McDonald's and chat for a while, so we went there.
She told me about her love stuff, and it was fun.
Yah girls talk is just so much fun!
Then we talked a lot about English school stuff that we can't tell other people.
After I said goodbye to her, I met Nakasyan in the tram!!!wooooow
Then we went to walk with talking, and yah we went to McDonald's again:Dhehe
He was telling that I had left my cell phone at work! Yah I did it…..lol
I was sooooo shocked though!!!
We talked a lot about work, god it's just so much fun to talk about that kinda stuff:P
Wooo it was such a long day, but good day anyway:3
(577 words)
Learning from my Experiences.
I gonna talk about yesterday.
It wasn't that best day yesterday.
I have, well I had a plan this weekend with my friend.
He said he gonna take me to some places to take some photoes.
You know there must be really beautifull with all the colored leaves.
But I was kind of considering if I go or not.....
I have never gone out withhim and maybe with his friend too.
I was really afraid to make something bad or something.
I mean I was such a chiken, I am now too!
I was chatting with him and I was sooooo confused about my feeling then his feeling.
And after a while I got confused and headach, I was like a .....
Okay that's it! Why I have to think this much! Think too hard misa!!!
Then I stopped thinking abut it.
I talked to my sister, and she helped my feeling, so I was kind of releafed.
But I had a homework, so I started to do that.
Such a thinking day yesterday!!!
Ahhh I hate it.
I think alots before I do something.
Or if I try or not.
I don't wanna regret that I didn't do it, but I don't wanna regret after I did.
Well so,e people says you should just try if you don't know. It's better to regret after You did than didn't!
Well well
Monday again!
today i was sooooo sleepy all day long(つω-`*)
and forth period, we had a lecture about english linguistic. my teacher invited three teacher studying collocation.
so the lecture was mainly about collocation.
it was interesting.
well they used so many difficult words and i got so confused a lots.
after forth period there were only five students left.
i got kinda nurvas but it was fun and really interesting.
that made me decide to make a note for english vocabs list.
these days i have been kinda lazy so time to get back normal misa!
after school i had a nap.
then i got my cinderella costume!!!!!!!
i was waiting for that!!!!
well well honestly it wasnt that good than i expect so i was dissapointed a bit………
but i cant help w/ it and i gonna put something to look better so thats okaaay.
at night i chatted for a while again then i went to donkey w/ my sister.
we shopped some stuff and bought sweet potatoes.
they were goood felt like fall(・∀・)
and right now im soooo frickin sleepy but gotta do honors hw.awww
so see yooou!!
About Thursday Night:D
I met up with Yoshie, and her friend, Ana.
Ana wanted to buy running shoes, so we shoped around for a bit.
It was fuuun, well talking in English is fun=P
Ana found a good running shoes so quickly so we say good buy, then I met with Nakashan.
We were planning to go to our wor as customers this time.
We felt soooooooo weird!!!!
But this time, we are customer so it was fuuuun=P
We ordered some foods and drink, we did so detaily so other stuff were like
"don't complaiiiiin guys! you pick up your food or drink by yourself!"
Heeeeeeeey they are soooo mean right Nakashan???
Nakashan wanted to eat Shabushabu, but coworkers sad no, because they have to clean up the pot.
Then they said "hey why don't you just come to kitchen and do Shabushabu by yourself?lol"
well we did that.LOL
Then we finished our food, so went to kitchen and talked with coworkers a bit.
He was drinking beer as well=P
Oh and one coworker made this for halloween!!!
Isn't that cuuuuuute????
It's radish, he is really goooooooood huh?
Nakashan and I talk a lot about halloween so he made it one:D
Anyway we enjoyed there, but I wished I could eat more foods and drink.
Ahhhh I can't drink at all these days.
It sucks...hate it!!!X(
After we backed to Kengun, we chatted for a bit, and went to McDonald's.hehe
We chatted agaiiiiiin, just sooooo much fun talking about anythings=P
Then we went hooooome, you know we had school on Friday.ahhhh
And we both had homework to do for friday=P
So we say good byyyyyyye.
Well we had fun that day:D
(294 words)
Friday again!
But I love friday so I like that:D
But time passed so fast huh??
Am I doing great?
Am I happy that kind of feeling...???
I'm worried sometimes.
Time pass so quickly and I want to make sure that I am spending my time great.
One guy said to me one time....
It's okay that you think you have many things you want to do.
But it doesn't mean anything if you actually didn't at all.
It's good to think about them, but you have to work!
You have to act for them!
What do you think about those?
You know how his feel?
Or you haven't thought like that way?
When I heared that, I just thought "That is soooo right!!!"
Then I thought I have to be like that!
I have only one life.
I have to enjoy, well I am pretty enjoying my life but I wanna make my life so preciouse:D
About San Francisco
San Francisco is in California State of the United States. The population is about 80,0000 people. It is a global city in the US. There are many sightseeing places, shopping places, and good food.
At first, I recommend you to go to the Golden Gate Bridge. It connects the city of San Francisco to Marin County. It’s an internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco. You can walk over the bridge for free. It’s famous as a sightseeing spot, but also as a suicide location.
Next, you might want to go to Pier 39. There are more than 110 stores, and 14 Bay view restaurants. And you can enjoy the world-famous sea lions and street performers.
There is something for everyone at San Francisco. You never get bored there. There are so many things you can enjoy. So, I recommend you to go there sometimes.
Does anyone know that?
I sometimes watch it, but the guest was one of my favorite bands, zebrahead!!!!!!!!
It was the first time to watch them on TV for me, of course I see them a lots on You Tube, but they are from LA so I don't have that chance to watch them on Japanese tv!
They had a new album called Phoenix, and they gonna come to Japan to have Japan tour this winter, that's why they are on tv.
Aaaaand of course I'm going to their show for the fiiiirst tiiiiiime!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh can't wait, can' waaaaaitXD!!!
They were sooooo funny on TV, well they are always funny!!
I laughed and I was soooo happy to watch their new song with music video.
Such a nice sooooongs on new album!!
Go check it out~~~:D!!!
(145 words)
About Sunday and Monday:3
Maybe because of 3 days off???
And I kept moving around.
And this time, another coworker said I don't look with apron, oe that apron is just not nice, u shouldn't wear it and that kinda stuff!!!!
awwwwwwww is iiiit???
but but buttttt i dont think sooooo!!!!!
i dunno....
i think i go ask some people and i gonna decide i gonna wear apron or not!!!....lol
Well well for today,
i was gonna hang out with yoshie, ayaka, and yoshie's friends, but it was canceled, so i was kinda bored.
I started playing DS, but i got bored again.
Then I turned on the internet and my english teacher send me e-mail then we started chatting!
As always=P
But my friend called me to hang out for just couple hours, so I went to.
Then after I got home, I started chatting with him (english teacher) again and again=P
So Im chatting with him like......3 hours!!!wow
and im still chatting with him.lol
okay ill keep chatting with him so ttyl.lol
About Saturday:D
Then I found my coworker was wearing the apron....!!!
And I was like a
"Why the hell are u wearing the apron?! I wanna wear tooooooo!!!!!!!!"
Then he gave me my apron, so I wore that, and I felt soooo happy.
Almost all of my coworkers don't like apron!!!
How coooooome????
And one coworker, mean coworker (I mean in the good way of course=P) said
"Teppei chaaaaan, u don't looke good with your apron, hahahaha!!!!"
like 5 fricking times!!!
shuuuuut uuuuuuup!!!
But I like wearing apron!!!hahaha
Anyway that day, one group of custmers manner was sooooooo fricking bad!!!
They suck!!!!
They didn't clean up their s$%# which people have to do!!!!
Goooood I just couldn't believe that......
How could they left with all the s%$# they had......
I was soooooooo mad.....
That's because I'm a person like I get sick, if people around me is sick....during the drinking or something...=(
I felt soooooo sorry for my coworkers.....awwwwwww.
Anyway anyway!
I went to my home with Nakashan after the work to look at the halloween costume on internet.
Then we found it but it was soooooo expensive....
That's too much for the halloween I guess.
Then we decided to change the costume but.....ahhhhh its just so tough.
We looked at some costume goes kind of good with prince charming, but nahhhhhh.
Then we gave up and went to Joyfull to get food.
He had Kimuchi zosui, and I had Chicken nanban teshoku.

They were sooo good and waaaaarm.
It was freezing out there so I was happy to eat warm fooooood:D
Then we talked a lot again, then we went to home....having homework to decide what we can be on halloween again=P
Yay Yo!!!

Ahhhhhh feel soooooooo goooooooood now!!!
I was gonna finished that last night, but I was in stuck....called "honors HW stuck" (after making an essay for honors hw, I started getting confuse, because I thinka lots, and tooooo long time!lol),
then takes for a while and now, I finally finished that!
What I gonna do now?!
Education in Dubai
......Now what, I haven't finished my homework yet......ahhhhhhhhhh.......
I stayed up so late last night, and try to do my honors homework, but I just couldn't finish that .
It takes a while though=(
The newspaper article is about education in Dubai.
It said that it's such a hotspot in Dubai.
They gives tons of money to University and have a lots of academy programs to increase foreign students and get better education.
Of course US education is still important, but many asia are coming on, and if the US won't keep up, they might be overtaken!
I was interested in nows US education, so I decided to write about that.
But.....how can I write about it?
Just write about US education, and so WHAT?
What do I wanna say about it?
What do I think and what do I think will happen?
Hmmmmm paragraph sentence is difficult for me.
I have to write that reader can understand easily to just look through for the short time, a teacher said.
The dead lile is Saturday 12:00.

Yay yo---

And guess whhhhhaaaat, ayaka bought me an ice cream and karaage, mari bought me a nikuman!!!!yay yay
Wooow thank you guuuuyyysss!!!
well i dunno why they bought those much!hehe
they just said "i just feel like that!"
thank you and thank you!
Oh i heard the really really happy and excited news from ayaka and i was soooo happy to hear that!
not gonna saying that here........hehehe
well i worked on honors homework with yoshie and ayaka helped us!!!!!
thhhhaaaannnnkkk yooooou ayaka!!!!
i thought i couldnt do that homework......but working with them made me little cheering me up.really
what we have to do is that we have to read one article on new zealand's new paper and write an paragraph sentence about that....
awwwww its not a usual home work, its a "honrs" homework which means takes for "a while".......................................................................................hate it!!!!!......cry
but i decided to continue taking that class, coz...
i dont wanna give up before im not trying!!!
yes of course!
im not doing that!!!
i gonna do it!!!yes!
well then i went to english school as always.
everyone cheered me up in that class....
thank yoooou.
Cake cake♪
Their walking and talking were damn cute!!!
And one little baby turned to be one year old so they bought a birthday cake for her.
And I had one piece as well=P yay
Drive into Danger: Book Review

I read this book called “Drive into Danger”.
Kim is a student and works at Traffic Company. One day she came in to the work and was asked to drive a track and take the table to France with Mark. That’s because driver broken his arm. They listened to their boss’s story carefully and left the company. On one break spot, they found weird little box. There were many drugs in the box! Mark switched the box to the sandwich box and had coffee at café with Kim. They found one weird guy took that box! They backed to the track and droved. That gut was following them, and was so mad that Mark switched the box. The guy had gun and they were so scared but fought him. They kicked and punched him. Finally they put him in the gavages place and he couldn’t run away, because it was too high to get down. They called up police and took the table to the France finally.
If I were her, I couldn’t fight with the guy has a gun! I think she is very strong. I was surprised that she can drive a truck even she is a student! I want to have car license later when I have enough money for that. I need to save money though.
Bacon Poteto Pie Again!
This morning, I thought that I was gonna late, so I rode my bike sooo fast, and I don't feel good now.awww
I have a big news to you guys!!!
Does anyone know "bacon poteto pie" from McDonald's?
They gonna start having that today!!!
That was stopped 5 or 6 years ago maybe?
But I bet it was sooo popular and I loooved it!!!
So I was wondering why they don't have that anymore.
And it was said that many peope said to McDonald's to have bacon poteto pies again!
Then that came true.
It's just for a while, but I can't wait to have that taste again!
I was surprised because I was just taking about "I wonder why they stopped selling bacon potetopies....", and he said he has never had that one before, and wanna try that, so it's a best timing!

I loooooove go shopping with her!
We wanted to buy one cloth we really liked before, so we decoded to go to Hikarinomori.
But before we go there, we went to some clothes shop in our town, Kengun.
Then we found that cloth really really cheap at another shop!!!
So we bought it, and I had some Halloween stuff.
We gotta cloth we want, so we didn't have to go to Hikarinomori.
But we were hungry, so we went to Kurimo to have lunch instead.
Kurimo is more close to our house.
My sister said she wanna eat pasta, so we went to pasta restaurant.
She had a cream pasta with some mashrooms.
I had a tomato sauce pasta with sone pumpkins and some fries.
They were sooooo goooooooood!!!
We had chocolate cakes for dessart, man we were sooo full tho.
And they were on me=P
I just gotta pay so......:D
Then I had to go to dentist, so we backed hoooome.
I cried at dentist....=(
It hurted sooooo baaaaaaaaad....
I was running away even tho I knew I have to go to dentist since January!!!!God!
I knoooow I'm an idiot...=(
Next Saturday, I gonna get a shot!!!awwwwwww too scaryyyy!