I DO wanna go to New York!!!!!!!
Yes I have been saying that like a thousand times, but this time, I'm really serious!
I DO wanna go to NY!!!
My friends went to New York for new year and their pictures and stories were just....uHHHH!!!
Making me wanna go to NY more and more though!!!!
I'm thinking that.... if I should go to anywhere cheap trip during the spring break, or don't go anywhere to save money for NY trip maybe for the next spring break.....!!!!!
Uhhhh I wanna go to the famous cupcake shop that carry from the Sex and the City goes a lots in the movie, or her aprtment in the movie!!!
My friends went there and took pivtures tho....uhhhhh I wanna gooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I went to English school, and my friend said she gotta i-phone.
My teacher already has one and he kept recommending that.
That reminds me that I wanna get a i pot!!!!!
Yes, I totally forgot about it!!!!!LOL
Then I thought, I wanna one of those for the coming of age present!!!!!yay yay
Yes that's what I want for now!!!
I wanna get some nails stuff as well....
Woooo see? I have kinda somethings that I want..hahah
I thoght that IO don't have anything that I want for now=P
Anyway again!
i gotta take shower and get done for the essay for EU history...then study for its test!!!!
I have just one test tomorrow and can eat lunch at home:D
Today I feel like I wanna do soooooooooooo many stuff!!!!!!!!!!heheh
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