Yes it was on Saturday but I studied English Linguistic with Yoshie and Ayaka at school;D
That class is just.....uhhhhHH sooooo difficult though.
We discussed sooooo much about many stuff in the text book and talked about them, trying to understand stuff.
But it was really awesome that I could study that much with my great friends right:D???
Too bad that I had to go to work though...
I wanted to study more with them....also it's too hard to study alone with that difficult subject though!!!!!
Anyway I went to work little bit late, but I had fun because I worked with Nakashan last night:D
We found a good song of Miliyah Kato (is that spell right...? I dunno....) and he was singng that new song and that made me just laugh my ass off ion the work...!!!!LOL
And we gotta ate Gesokara and french fries....=P
Oh one of our co worker was sitting and drinking, and just chatting with guys who used t work at our work....that kinda......made me...uhhhhHHHHHH work m,aaaaaan!!!!!!.......:O!!!!!
Anyway anyway we missed the last tram so one co worker drove us home, thnx though.
He doesn't talk very much so I talked much!!!LOL
Well he talked a bit more than usual and that kin of made me surprised though=P
And we went to McDonald's last night:D
We got french fries and .......LOOK THIS!!!!!!

IT french frieeeeeees!!!!!!
that was funny....=P

And we ate new Mc Flury with chocolate cookies.
It was good:D
Well it was sweet though...:O
Uh Nakashan just made me laugh my ass off again and again last nght...well he always does=P
I gonna miss working with him on Sat.....=(
He gonna quit next week and that makes me damn saaaaaaaaasXO
Okay beter get study!!!
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