South Africa
England occupied twice, because they were afraid that Cape Colony would be taken by France.
1910: South Africa independented.
Basic info About South Africa
It borders on Namibia on the northwest side, Botswana and Zimbabwe on the north side, Mozambique and Swaziland on the northeast side, and there is Lesotho on the east South Africa.
The area of South Africa is about 122 million square kilometers which is 3.2 times as large as Japan. It’s about 870 miles away from Japan, and it takes you about 20 hours to fly over there. The time difference between South Africa and Japan is seven hours.
There are nine provinces in South Africa. From the west, they are West Cape, South Cape, East Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Free State, NorthWest, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and Linpopo.
The administrative capital city is Pretoria in Gauteng, the legislative one is Cape Town, and judicial one is Bloemfontein. Above all, Cape Town is really popular for tourists. It’s called mother city. They have so many highlight as gorgeous resort beach, the Cape of Good Hope or the Table Mountain. At night, night view from the signal hill is among the three best night view spots in the worlds. Also they have so many venerable buildings and museums that you can see valuable materials.
The population is about 4,760, and 79% black, 9.6% white divided British origin and Afrikaner, 8.9% mixed-race, and 2.5% Asian live there. 80% of them are Christian, and others are Hindu, Islam. There are few Judaism and non religions.
South African flag uses six colors. It explains African traditional and history. They red for blood streamed from past rivalry, blue for sky and sea, green for agriculture and nature which is necessary in South Africa, yellow for natural resources as gold, black for African American, and white for white people or peace. The flag of the African National Congress use three colors which are black, yellow, and green. Other three colors which are red, blue and white are used for the flag of England and Holland.
South Africa
I'm interested in their languages including English.
I heard that they have some English which is only used in South Africa.
That sounds quite interesting.
IT Revolution...!!!
Yes it was on Saturday but I studied English Linguistic with Yoshie and Ayaka at school;D
That class is just.....uhhhhHH sooooo difficult though.
We discussed sooooo much about many stuff in the text book and talked about them, trying to understand stuff.
But it was really awesome that I could study that much with my great friends right:D???
Too bad that I had to go to work though...
I wanted to study more with them....also it's too hard to study alone with that difficult subject though!!!!!
Anyway I went to work little bit late, but I had fun because I worked with Nakashan last night:D
We found a good song of Miliyah Kato (is that spell right...? I dunno....) and he was singng that new song and that made me just laugh my ass off ion the work...!!!!LOL
And we gotta ate Gesokara and french fries....=P
Oh one of our co worker was sitting and drinking, and just chatting with guys who used t work at our work....that kinda......made me...uhhhhHHHHHH work m,aaaaaan!!!!!!.......:O!!!!!
Anyway anyway we missed the last tram so one co worker drove us home, thnx though.
He doesn't talk very much so I talked much!!!LOL
Well he talked a bit more than usual and that kin of made me surprised though=P
And we went to McDonald's last night:D
We got french fries and .......LOOK THIS!!!!!!

IT french frieeeeeees!!!!!!
that was funny....=P

And we ate new Mc Flury with chocolate cookies.
It was good:D
Well it was sweet though...:O
Uh Nakashan just made me laugh my ass off again and again last nght...well he always does=P
I gonna miss working with him on Sat.....=(
He gonna quit next week and that makes me damn saaaaaaaaasXO
Okay beter get study!!!
About a Yesterday=)
I had a really difficult exam today.
Its all about what Im not good at…
so I had a hard time at each class tho...
but I think I did better than I expected=)
oh I had such a TERRIBLE headache last night.
I also felt sick and couldnt stand up.
So my sister took care of me a bit last night thanx yumi chan=D
and today I have a bad headache and my ear hurs bad!
i had a bad stmachache in this morning!!
awwww am i oookay?!lol
oh and i straight go to work from school.
and i had a happy thing.
i mean i even was surprised what i was doing!
just these days i act!!!!
and thats good for me=)
and i tried to be so nice to my co workers and i was being nice and.....
then they were nice and of course i feel good.
i just thought i should be like this because one is thats kinda feeling that im charging them or something?
you know wht i mean?
its hard to describe with my words dammit!
anyway and another is i already knew that i should act like this to any people any situations.
………okay thats the thing today!
tomorrow i gonna c nakashan!!
even its been just a week, feel like a i dont c him about a month tho!hahah
happy day-!
i think i had a good day today…!
i gonna talk about it laterrr heheh=P

New Nails:D
studying and studying!

The World According to Garp

The Barbecue; Bool Review

I read a book called “The Barbecue”.
The main characters were Donut and his family.
Donut was in the class, and talking with his friends about her mom’s forty birth day. They had a barbecue that time. He told his all friends that his step dad set fire to the garden fence and they had to call out the fire brigade!!! But nobody believed him, because it’s just like a make up stories!
He was trying to make them believe him but couldn’t at all.
Then that weekend, he planed to have a party that his mom’s birth day and they were going to have a barbecue again!
To show that story was true, he called up all his friends to his mom’s birthday party.
Then that time, his step dad was so happy for his wife, and he crimbed up the tree and sung a song for her! But he couldn’t come down. So Sam called her dad who works riding a fire bridge! Which means they had to call up the fire bridge again and everyone believed Donut’s story finally.
They danced and ate great dinner. Everyone was so happy:D
Princess Polly and the Pony: Book Review
There was one cute princess named Polly but wasn’t happy at all.
She was always in the trouble, because she loved playing around outside which mean she loved to get mud.
Especially she loved galloping the pony.
But her parents, King and Queen didn’t like it at all.
They thought that princess should be cleaned all the time.
One day, princess and her dada were walking on the street and they found one advertisement.
It was about a pony game at strawberry hill.
It was a dressing up party, and the first prize was royal wish for the first.
Polly wanted to join that game so bad, but her parent never said yes for that.
But Polly had an idea about that.
It was dressing up game, so nobody notice if the girl was princess.
In the game, she was trying not to win, because she was afraid if her parents get mad at her. But she had won!! Then of course king and queen who is her parents came to her and said take her dressed off so they can see the face of winner. She tried not to but couldn’t help about it. Then her parents noticed! But it’s a game, and she has a right to have a prize which is royal wish.
She asked her parents if she can ride a horse and do whatever she wants to do one day a week. She called it “Not being princess day”.
Soo sick....
Awwww I was really trying not to get sick, so I always wash my hands but whhhhyyy????
I spend a lot of time for coming of age day and I have to be perfect on that day though!!!!!!
I finally don't have high fever now but I still feel, yah sick.
I have to deside what I going to wear for the junior high reunion, do my nails!!!!
went to Donkey with my sister last week, and bought many stuff for my nails!!!
I soent much money for that....
I really like decorating my nails, so I wanted to do soooooo cute nails!
I was thinking that...I am going to put sparkle pink nail polish, with gradatation.
And I gonna put some special sparkle seal with pink ink.
And I gonna put some stones like pink or gold or red.
But I don't know if I can do that or not......
I don't feel like I can do m,y nails.
I always take times to do my nails.
It's fun, but I use energy a lot.
So it takes such a long time sometimes, and I get so tired.
So I'm sick right now and do you think that I can do that???
back to good hair
Well my sister did as always, thaaaaanks!!!
After we finished it, it wasn't that perfect, I had still little black part....
so I did it again and took shower agaiiin.
It makes me so tired to take shower and DRY my hair couple times!
I feel sooooo damege for my hair.....just for the coming of age day!
Tomorrow my sister and I are going downtown to get a hena tatto!!!
and try to get some stuff for my nails!!!yay yay
I hoply to go to hair salon to have a meeting for coming of age day or see the docyor for my color contact lenses!!!
I wonder how I gonna do the contact lenses one.....hmmmm
well I should go to bed.....nite nite
The Rat Hunt
They were preparing for their birthday party in the morning.
There were many food and presents which made them more excited.
Mouse went to upstairs and put his pet, Ricky into the cage.
It was a mouse.
He told Ricky, get enough sleep while he was in the school, so he can enjoy his party too.
But Jojo didn’t like that at all.
She didn’t want Ricky to join the party, because he is a rat.
They had a short fight, but it was time to go to school, so they stopped fighting.
After school, they rushed to their house.
They couldn’t wait for their party.
Mouse went to upstairs and found out the Ricky had gone!
The cage’s door was open.
He was so mad at Jojo, because he thought she did.
But she said she didn’t do it, so she was s mad at Mouse as well.
The party starts, but they were still fighting each other.
Jojo was trying to enjoy the treasure hunter party, but Mouse couldn’t.
He kept worry about his rat, Ricky and he started crying when nobody saw.
But only one parson did, it was Jojo.
At that time she realized how he was worry about Ricky and said to Mouse, she would help him with all her and his friends.
They looked for everywhere but nobody found Ricky.
And suddenly, his mom asked Mouse, where do you think Ricky would wanna go?
Then everyone said, food! Ricky loves food.
Then Mouse finally found Ricky in the birthday cake!
I would be mad if the rat was in my birthday cake though…lol
In the tram...
so tired, but many costmers came so I didn't feel so long time which is good.
And my co worker bought us juice.
that was sweet.
I got milk tea:D
anyway that day still make me wonder if I gonna continue my work or not....hmmmm
I dunno tho......awwww
thurs day would be myn sha's new year party...!
can't wait for that!
The Blue Game: book review
The main character is Sam. She doesn’t live her dad now, so her mom had to find a job. But Sam didn’t like that at all, because if her mom works, she can’t have much time to spend with her mom. She wants to stay with her mom more and more.
So she told that to her mom, she doesn’t want her mom to work, but her mom said she couldn’t help about that. Of course she has to make more money….
She thought….if her mom starts work, she had to stay with her friends’ house which means she has to stay with her friends’ mom or dad. She thought she can’t be relax or read book silently.
She went to Ms. Green’s house. She told Ms. Green about how she doesn’t want her mom to work. Then Ms. Green said let’s play the blue game. When she finds any friend in bad mood, she plays that game with them and that game cheer them up always, she said.
Ms. Green took Sam to one room, and said look only blue things in the room for three minutes. And Sam did. Then Ms. Green asked Sam, say everything that is red in the room! Sam thought it’s unfair, because she was looking only blue things.
But that’s the thing.
If you are looking only bad things, you feel bad and you will stop looking for good things. Ms. Green told Sam.
And Sam got it. She found that she was happy that she could ate a cake Ms. Green baked, she can stay Ms. Green’s home when her mom is gone, she can read books with Ms. Green anytime…etc
After all, her mom got a job at library, and Sam was happy as her mom:D
Ms. Green said such a good thing!!!!!
Don’t look at only bad things!
If I feel any bad, I want to look at good things:D
Thinking positive is such a good thing to do huh?
Writing Essay about Indonesia
The capital city is Jakarta, and the entire population is about two hundred million. 87.1 % of the population is Muslim. They pray five times a day, and they can’t eat pork or drink alcohol. They also have fast for about a month a year.
Indonesian famous food is Nasi Goreng.

It's fried rice with chili sauce. You eat with sunny-side up egg or pickles. Another famous food is Martabak Telor. It’s like Japanese egg roll. There are duck eggs, ground meat, or onion in it. It has wide appeal. Indonesian food always has much kind of spices and herbs.
They speak Indonesian there. Indonesian is sixth big language. They use the Roman alphabet notation. The grammar is really complicated, so it’s takes long time to use it well.
There are still many things that I don’t know about Indonesia.
I want to learn about there more, and I want to go there sometimes.
todaaaay is my last day of christmas break....
omg that break was soooooo quickly though....
today nakashan and I are going to clar!!!
Yes finally...=P!!
Im so excitedXDXD
We gonna go to shreck's restraunt....
tooooo baaaad that she doesn't have work today though....
but next time:D
gotta get ready!
can't be late todaaaay!!!!
I totally forgot to do my honors homework....
oh man....
my essay is supposed to be checked native speaker....
but i even haven't translated my essay yet!!!!
dammit, im soooooo stupid!!!
i guess i just go ask yoshie, and my friend from states....,
i DO hope my friend writes me back soon.....
uh i even feel sorry about them!
awwww yoshieeeeee....cry cry
Ben and the Ghost
Ben’s parents, Mr. King and Mrs. King were going to party.
They got an invitation, and it was a costume party.
They dressed up ghost, but Ben laughed, because it wasn’t scary at all.
At that time, Ben’s grand mom and grand dad, little G and big G came to home.
Ben went to their house while his parent was in the party.
When they were going to grand ma’s house, it started raining suddenly.
They got so wet when they got home.
They changed to their pajamas and they prepared good food on the table.
They started pajama’s party while Ben’s parent was in another party.
They had great food, and watched a good movie.
They kept laughing and everyone had a so much fun.
After the pajamas’ party, Ben went to bed but he felt something…
He got so scared and opened his eyes and saw something white!
He screamed and called grand parent, said he saw the ghost!!!
When grand mom turned on the light, they found out the white thing was Ben’s white T-shirt.
He dried that in his room.
I never wanna see ghosssst!!!
No..thank yoooou….uhhh scary.
I even can’t watch scary movie at all….