Today, I was sooo tired and didn’t wanna go to school at all=(
But Mari gave me a cuuuuuuute red cell phone key chain, and I loved it!!!! I was soooo happy:D Thank yooooou Mari<3!!!!!>
And Yoshie gave me a w-inds.’s concert DVD!!!
We were talked about w-inds. the other day and she said she was fun of them when she was in junior high? And she said she was gonna throw w-inds. stuff away!!! So I said if u throw it away, I want it!!!!! Don’t throw awaaaaaay!!!!!
You know I’m a biiiig fun of them for about 7 yrs now:p
When she gave me one red bag, I thought huh? Did we talk about any movie??? And she said it’s w-inds.’s DVD and it’s for you! I was like a “OMG!!!! Are you for real?!?!” ,coz!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE PEOPLE THROW w-inds. STUFF AWAAAAY!!! IT’S w-inds.!!!!LOL
I already have that DVD, but but but I’m just soooooo happy to have two DVDs!!!!!XD Maybe one is for watching, and another is for adorning:p Thank yoooooou Yoshieee<3>
Oh, I got moneeeeey from Mr.Branch! I did little job so he gave me money:3
I just had maybe 30 or 40 yen…………I always don’t work until I have less than 100 yen or something=( So it helps me A LOT!!!!lol
And I found 600 yen in my bag!!!! Thanks god, I have money now!!! wow what a nice presents day!!!
Happy Friday for tomorrow!!!!yay
I gonna hang out with Mari tomorrow night, what r we gonna do mari? we gonna have some crazy and fun:p
3 件のコメント:
I'm grad to hear that you liked it :p
and I'm sooo sory for today... I must go Amakusa. sorry.
I do throw away that kinda stuff now.
sooooooooory misa:P
and u should work earlier when u have more than 100 yen.
yah i loooved it tho! thanx so much mary!XD
thats noooo prob! i reallu hope ur grandma is feeling any better soooon=(
whhhhhat the...?!?!
u already thrown some stuff awwway?! omg how can u do that!!!!lol
yes i should work more ealier huh?:p im trying every time tho.....:p