Are u guys having a nice golden week eh?
I went to Hamasen yesterday:D
We ate Takoyaki aaaaand Okonomiyaki for lunch! It was gooood. And and! Finally we got a printer for digital camera huh! But no tv yet=( I hope I gonna get new tv, I mean the tv that we have in living room.
Are u guys having a nice golden week eh?
I went to Hamasen yesterday:D
We ate Takoyaki aaaaand Okonomiyaki for lunch! It was gooood. And and! Finally we got a printer for digital camera huh! But no tv yet=( I hope I gonna get new tv, I mean the tv that we have in living room.
My tv was broken just a “liiiiiittle bit” but my dad thrown it away!!!! I’m using small and old tv now. Of course I was so mad and sad, but he said he gonna get new tv for living room, so u can have the tv in the living room! I was happy:p but it was in april last year!!!! God, when I can get good tv, daaaaaaaaaad=(? He said he is getting new tv after golden week, so I hope he really will!
I’m having a little dream, I can watch my favorite bands concert DVDs on big tv with good speakers:p
Oh, yesterday, one booth was selling shaved ices near zoo, so my sis and I went to get some. It was frickin hot so it was nice to eat them:D
Ok, time to go to karaoke now! looooove karaokeXD!!!
C ya guys later!
I’m having a little dream, I can watch my favorite bands concert DVDs on big tv with good speakers:p
Oh, yesterday, one booth was selling shaved ices near zoo, so my sis and I went to get some. It was frickin hot so it was nice to eat them:D
Ok, time to go to karaoke now! looooove karaokeXD!!!
C ya guys later!
2 件のコメント:
u seem to have great golden week,huh Misa? thats good!
and thank u soooooooooo much for giving me cookies! those were really special tasty! I loved them so much! and I'll write u back when school starts! looking foward to it!
u really love Karaoke,dont u? :)
i can imagine that u sing W-inds.'s songs!!!!hahaha:)
oh, have ya done Hornors English class's HW yet? watching DVD!
I totally forgot to go to TSUTAYA:( and I do not want to see it at all.
heeeeeey im really really glad that u loved my cookiesXD!yay
haha ill look forward to ur lovely letter:p
yap i loooove karaoke!
hey we should go to karaoke and sing many many w-inds. songs!!!!!yaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!lol