It was so
hot today!
After school, Mari and I bought
ice creams AGAIN.
lol The hot day makes us to eat an ice
creeeeam. It is really good to eat them outside:D
In third period, we were wrong class room!
We sit for about 10 minutes, and teacher gave us a paper. The paper talked about game and economy stuff, but we were supposed to be in Japanese History class! So I was like a
“Wwwwhat? It is like an economy class or something…Are we in the right class room?! Ask that guy sitting next you what class it is!!! Ask him!!!”Mari asked him and he said it is game something class!! We were like a
“OMG!! We were in the wrong class!!!lol”And we left that class room and went to check the board. It said that class room is changed, so we went to another class room, but we
couldn’t go inside, because it was already filled
sooooo many people and there
isn’t any seat left. Next time, we will eat lunch in that class room, so we could get our seats!
In honors English seminar class, I was surprised that everyone could speak English well, and I felt being impatient about my English. I think that I use English more than other students, because I go to English school, I often text, chat or write letters to couple friends in English, and speak English to them sometimes, or I keep my diary in English and other stuff. But still I should study speaking English more and more.
I wanna
new native speaker friends…..
After school I went to English conversation school tonight. Honestly I
didn’t feel like I’m going just because I was tired, but it was fun!!!
In my class, one student said she gonna be a
secretary of new governor!
We talked about him, but he has
quite interesting experiences.
He went to university in Nebraska to study farming, but he changes his mind. He went to Harvard University in Massachusetts to study politics. He was interested in farm, politics, and author in his childhood. Of course he speaks English very well. I think that he is very talented man.
Anyway, another of students, he was my math teacher in junior high school! He also changed his mind, and went to
KGU to study English! Now he is an English teacher. He, another student who is also cool friend of mine now and she works at
Kumamoto newspaper company, and I are going out after lesson next week:) I have some
home works to do and test, so we
didn’t go tonight:( but next
He just told me that there is welcome party for new exchange students tomorrow at exchange students’ dormitory.
DID YOU HEAR THAT, MARI?!lol You know, we
WISH we could go to that party huh?? I was so disappointed that we can’t go even I have time to go, just because of such a stupid problem. But the other way, I think that because of THAT kinda stuff, I could get along with ya, so I’m so happy about it:
DhahahaAnyway anyway! It is so much fun to talk with other students there! We always clap our hands and teachers are just so nice, and I love that school as I told you hundred times.
I’ll talk about it later,
cuz I have to go back to my homework now!
SEE YA:3!!