I read this book called Peter and the Wolf.
My mom got many books and picture books from her friends and this is one of them:D
The main character is one little boy named Peter. He had left the garden gate. So the white wolf came out of the forest and sneaked around to eat animals. The wolf went to one pond and one duck was swimming there. Suddenly the wolf had swallowed the duck!! Next, the wolf went to near the Peter’s house and found one cat and one little bird. They climbed the tree quickly and Peter tried to help them. Peter grabbed one rope and made a little loop when the little bird fluttered round the wolf’s nose. Peter lowered it carefully and the wolf was trapped. His grand pa was so mad because it was too dangerous for a boy.
I liked how they put little music on each page. But I couldn’t understand why they finish the story without helping the duck!! At last, they noticed that the duck was still arriving, because they heard the duck’s quacking. I wish the story ends after helping the duck and everyone didn’t get hurt. I liked their pictures though=)
My mom got many books and picture books from her friends and this is one of them:D
The main character is one little boy named Peter. He had left the garden gate. So the white wolf came out of the forest and sneaked around to eat animals. The wolf went to one pond and one duck was swimming there. Suddenly the wolf had swallowed the duck!! Next, the wolf went to near the Peter’s house and found one cat and one little bird. They climbed the tree quickly and Peter tried to help them. Peter grabbed one rope and made a little loop when the little bird fluttered round the wolf’s nose. Peter lowered it carefully and the wolf was trapped. His grand pa was so mad because it was too dangerous for a boy.
I liked how they put little music on each page. But I couldn’t understand why they finish the story without helping the duck!! At last, they noticed that the duck was still arriving, because they heard the duck’s quacking. I wish the story ends after helping the duck and everyone didn’t get hurt. I liked their pictures though=)
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