Okaaaaaaay I gonna talk about Halloween party last Saturday!!!!!!
Hmmmm lemme say with one word……AWESOME!!!!!
Yah that’s it! It was an awesome party though!!!!XDXD
Nakashan and I met up around 3-ish at my home.
He did a GREAT job on my hair, man, you cannot imagine how great job he did!!!!!
I loved it, yah I just loooooved it sooooo much!!!!
That made me sooooo excited!!
Then he did his hair as well and we tried our dress on then looked just like “PERFECT”!!!
We took some pictures, played around, talked about little stuff, then we had to go!
Well we were kinda late, but everyone was late, and u wanna be late for the parties right?=P
Oh we went downtown with all dressed up.LOL
Of course we got on the tram as well.
And I met one ALT from high school.
Anyway, yah eeeeeveryone was looking at us, surprising.
Man I felt sooooooooo gooooood.lmao
We met Misato, she was a Kunoichi, then arrived at Halloween party!
There were soooooooo many ppl out there!
More ppl than last Halloween party I guess.
It was soooooo hot inside, so I forgot about how cold outside was.
Everyone loved our costume, Cinderella and Prince Charming!!!!
Of course, how long we worked on those huh Nakashan????=P
It was like a “picture party”.
Everyone took so many pictures, talking, laughing.
We had a small snacks, but they were sooooooo gooooood, tasty!yam yam

Oh we found the ALT we saw in the tram at party!
I didn’t know did anyone was his friend!
Then we talked many people there.
Japanese, and of course ppl from different countries.
And I realized again and again, I looooove party, well more like talking with new ppl specially with ppl in English!
It is just sooooo much fun to me!

Everyone asked us to take pictures with!!
Hahahah felt sooooo greeeeeeat!
After we took many pictures with many ppl, we went to seven eleven with Misato as Kunoichi, Betty as jasmine, Kelly as Pocahantes, yah All WALT DISNEY!!!!hahaha
Eeeeeveryone looked at us, surprising, even seven elevens stuff.lol
It was sooooooooo much fuuuuuun!!!
Loooooove crazy stuff!!!!

We gotta some food to fill in, and backed to party.
Honestly I wanted to walk around downtown more though, I guess everyone did….
We played a game, and guess whhhhhhhat?!?!?!
I GOT A NO.1 HALLOWEEN COSTUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yyyyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh
I was sooooooooooo happy like u cant imagine!!!!
Sooooo excited!!!!!!!
I gotta Decorares chocolates and they were sooooo goooooood.
If I could say one little things, I wanted to get that prize as a couple with prince charming though…. thats okaaaaay.
Oh well everyone said, its awesome u and ur prince, you guys looks great couple!
We left the party about 12 ish?
Well I was supported to back home by 12, coz u know I was Cinderella.lol
But we went to tsutaya to take some print clubs!

Then I tried to ask my sister to pick us home, but she was drinking!
So we went home on foot!!!!!!!
From downtown to Kengun!!!!!!!!
Took couple of hours…ugh we were sooooo tired.hahahah
Oh we had cool pics!
There were lighten trees in front of turuya, so we took some pics in front of that!
Looks cool huh?

Uhhhh I was very sad that Halloween was finished.
I wanted to be Cinderella more and more!!
I wish Halloween stays one week or something, so I can wear it during a whole week!!!
I was very satisfied but sad that I had to back to normal though.
It was an awesome Halloween party ever!!!
Thanks Nakashan alots!
Im really really appreciated about it, that having great Halloween party with ya.
Next, Christmas huuuuuh????LMAO
(613 words)
2 件のコメント:
I'm Sayaka.
Your costume is very nice!!
Cinderella looks wonderful on you.
I could enjoyed halloween party.
Wow, great costumes.