I just came back from US trip:D
It was......awesome!
That's it!
Well my sister and I had hard time sometime, but we both had fun during 3 weekes trip for sure!
Well I hope so for my sister!
I hung out with Nakasyan today!
I gave him some souvenirs and I was glad he looked like them!
And I was soooooooooooooo happy to see him!!!
I missed him soooo much during trip!
We talked at McDonald's for a while, and he talked about "Relakkuma".
These days he likes Rilakkuma and I do too because of him.
Then he told me that there are cute Relakkuma holder in convenience store.
So we decided to go find them and buy for us!
First we went to Dairy but they didn't have.
Next we went to Lowson but they didn't.
Next Seven Eleven but no.
Next am pm but no.
Next thanks but no!!!
Then we went to another Seven Eleven then FINALLY found them!!!!!!!
But there was a prob.
There are 6 kinds of Rilakkuma in the little boxes.
But we can't know which one in it.
But we want real Rilakkuma!!!
We had a few minutes to look and see and decided one box for each.
Then we opened them.....
My heart was beating so did he.lol YEAH!!!!! WE MADE IT!!!!
We both had real Rilakkuma, and EXACTLY same one!!!
Then it started raining so I said good bye to him.
Soooooo much fun to be w/ him.
We gonna bake cookies next time.hehe
(256 words)
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