I just finished big test, TOEIC today!
I’ve been having bad dreams about TOEIC for three days and couldn't sleep well! lol
So finally, I can enjoy my spring break now! yay
Well I was kinda depressed about TOEIC test, cuz I couldn’t finished for last 10 questions…I mean I marked everything but…I've been working on it like studying with text book that I got, taking a TOEIC class and study at english conversation school, but I even couldn't finished to answer the questions! Its true that I had to start studying that more early.(
I’ve been having bad dreams about TOEIC for three days and couldn't sleep well! lol
So finally, I can enjoy my spring break now! yay
Well I was kinda depressed about TOEIC test, cuz I couldn’t finished for last 10 questions…I mean I marked everything but…I've been working on it like studying with text book that I got, taking a TOEIC class and study at english conversation school, but I even couldn't finished to answer the questions! Its true that I had to start studying that more early.(
well I did my best on my test for now and there's nothing that I can do about past! again! :p
so Im gonna buy new another text book for TOEIC and study again! After I get my TOEIC score back, Ill make a aim scores. I think I gotta more motivated anyway!
Ok now I go book for my favorite band's concert!!!
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