I’m going to talk about my favorite artist group,
w-inds. live tour 2008!!!
I went to
Fukuoka to go to their concert on
13th August.
I met up with my friend,
Yuka at Kotu center as always.
Yuka and I always go to w-inds. concert together.
And this time, her boy friend,
Seiya was with us in the bus to Fukuoka.
He was going back his home, Saga.
We go to bar together often, so I already be a good friend with him, so it was no problem.
We bought some food at convenience store and left Kumamoto!
In the bus, we talked about many stuff.
Their club, my trip, of course w-inds.!!!hehe
But Yuka and I were so sleepy, coz I was watching SEX and the CITY until early in the morning, and Yuka was working late night before.
So we felled asleep in the bus.
But it was sooooo hot there.
And we waked up just before we arrived at Fukuoka, and Yuka’s boy friend was fanning with paper for us!!!
OMG such a nice guyyyy!!!
After we arrived at Fukuoka, we went to caffe to have a coffee and chat a little.
Then we went to McDonald’s to get some food and said good bye to Seiya.
Then we went to
Fukuoka Sun Palace hall which the concert was held.
We always don’t know how to go to that hall even we go there soooo many times!
That’s because we always followed young girls look like going to w-inds. concert!lol
We can hear their talking (They are always talking about w-inds. on the concert or see their clothes and bags (They also have special bags for w-inds. concert just make you
When we arrived at Sun Palace hall, there was already
loooooooooong line for buying some goods, yes of course!

We joined that looooong lined, and just waiting, waiting, and waiting!
Eeeeeeveryone in that line are always talking about w-inds. w-inds. and w-inds.!!!haha
It was soooo hot, so we tried to have water many times.

And finally we could get some goods!!!
I was sooooo happy then!!!
Then, when we were in line for opening the hall, we tried to eat burgers we bought at McDonald’s.
Then that time, I just dropped the half of burger!!!
I just shouted
“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”Well I couldn’t help about that, but it didn’t matter at all, I was way to
After we had bag check, we finally got into the hall.
We checked our seats, well not tooooo bad as always!!!
I went to bath room and took some pics of w-inds. adv just like everyone
I backed to the seats and had a chat with Yuka, but I didn’t remember much what we tlked about, coz
I was waaaaaaay to excited and excited!!!!!My heart was beating for long time
Then after 1 hr and a half maybe, all the lights got dark and eeeeveryone screamed, stood up, and had any kinds of little lights on.
And of course we did as well.
I looooooooooooove that!!!!!!
my hearts beats soooo fast like I can’t believe.
I looooooooooove that!!!!!!!!!
And music starts and w-inds. caaaaaaaaaaame out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know,
that everyone’s scream and swing is amazing!LOLThey were soooooooooo cooooooooooool as ALWAYS!!!!!!
Ahhhhhhhh they sing awesome, they dance awesome, and they talk hat awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They told us that one o them,
Ryuichi was late that day!!!
It was Obon season, so he was
late for the airplane!!!
He thought he could make it as taking another airplane, but it was Obon season.
No seats for that day!
Which meant he had to take Shinkansen instead of the airplane, but he would be late for the show anyway!
It is w-inds.!!!
Other members,
Keita and
Ryohei made that airplane late for
Wooooooow isn’t that awesome???
Then he arrived at the airplane and borrowed the microphone and said
“Thanks for taking this airplane today…….Today it’s being late for 15 minutes…….Because of me!!!!! I’m soooooo sorry!!!!!!!”
He said one elderly womao clapped her hands and
“Good job!”hahaha!!!
And when he got off the airplane, he said to Keita,
“Hey! Don’t be late next time!!!” in front of everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yah he put the blame on
Well it was good.hahaha
They even said to us,
“Who came from Kumamoto---?!”Of course we shouted, why
They said they never get Kumamoto ben.
Keita got a crump in his shoulder!!!!!!!!When they were changing their dress, some
Ryohei fans called
Ryohei, so he came out without finishing changing his
So he didn’t wear jacket yet, but his cloth inside was blight gold and looked funny.
Keita came out and said he wanna tried on.
Keita is bigger than
Ryohei, so when
Keita tried
Ryohei’s clothes,
Keita got a crump in his shoulder.hahaha
It was soooo cute.
They sung
SUMER LOVER~I need you tonight~, and I looooove that song, so I was sooooo happy
Just I couldn’t believe they, w-inds. were really REALLY ahead of me, and singing, dancing and talking.
I just couldn’t believe that.
It always happens.
That time, I forgot about eeeevrything.
Just cry and realized I’m pleasure to be there, and arrive there.
I could forget about all the stupid bad stuff.
I was only impressed of them, and being there.
And everyone there was just enjoying for the same thing.
Isn’t that great???
And each words w-inds. said came straight into my heart.
Those each words tell how much they treasure us and everything.
And thanks for being one of their funs, and support me every time.
Thanks for meeting them.
It has been 7 years since I was being their big big fun.
And I will be their big fun from now on as well.

Time pasts incredibly fast in their concert.
We were sooooo exhausted after the concert.
We arrived at
Kumamoto passed midnight.
My sister picked us up and took Yuka home.
We had an awesome w-inds. concert again!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1003 words)