My Experience w/ blogging
Having my own blog is very fun and neat. It's exciting when I add new contents like YouTube, or Slide Show. And I was having fun to try to think and make for the image to bring top. And it's also fun to look at my friends' blog and good to know how they are feeling each days. I'm happy when I get some comments from them. It's good to keep my feelimh each times on something, this time online. That's because I can see my past posts and see how I was thinking about something.
I love music and decorating nails, so I love to share those on my blog like I update my new nails, or my favorite bands' music videos. I'm also having fun to update my concert review. I love going to concerts.
It wasn't that dificult to do some stuff in this semester, so it was okay for me. If the class will be more difficult, I might be confused, but it's good to learn using computer. I used computer better than before, I guess.

How is everything going?
I just finished writing essay right now.
And now I have to do honors essay….about “The Great Gatsby”.
Ahhhhh it’s gonna be loooooong night tonight!lol
Yes I know it’s all my fault. The fault that I put on all assignment today.
It’s such a bad habit.
I wanna quit asap but I can’t. Or I just don’t try it hard yet!
I gonna change!
I hope I have a good wwekend this time:)
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Introduce Myself in 10 Years, Writing Essay
There are five people in English school. I teach English to kids. Three of them are from different countries and they teach English to teenagers, and adults. One is Japanese and she does office work. It’s pretty small English school, but we get along each other very well. All the teachers and students are very nice. We always enjoy talking in English. We all love parties, so we try to have a party at least once a month. We have Halloween party, Christmas party, Hawaiian party, wine tasting party or many kinds of parties.
I love talking English, so I love teaching English to kids. I also like making cards or games for kids, so I love my job. In English school, I have little cafe and place to sell things. If students make something, they can put them there. Some students might buy them. I also love decorating nails, so I put some nail chips there. It is really neat English school.
I married my husband, Ryan Cohen two years ago. He is 31 years old now, and works as an interior designer. He is from the Orange Coast. He designed my English school, and we felled in love. He has a villa in the Orange County, so we go there many times. We both love beach, so we always go to many beaches and have much fun there.
We have two beautiful daughters. One sweetheart is Anna, one year old, and the other sweetheart is Micki, ten months years old. They will go to International school in Japan. They love playing at beach as well. We are always quite busy, because we both work. It’s very difficult to have kids, but my kids always make everyone happy. We enjoy everything together, and love our lives.
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looooong time no seeee!
well well well these days ive been little busy for the all damn term exams so....
ohhhh im sick of this month!
thats wht everyones talkin about!
okieees this is weekend right now and i should study and do some hw i have but....
yes i dont feel like tooooo, of courrrrrse!!!
someone take me ooooout!!!lol
.....sorry i have nothing to write about, coz i havent done anything except studying, or just complain about how i dont wanna study.lol
okieess talk to you later!:p
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About Yesterday
yaaaaay happy Friday guyzzz!
Well well well, what I gonna talk about this morning....hmmmm.
Today is hot huh? Yes always hot these days. I can not stand it. grrrrrr
Yesterday I had two exams. Listening and Reading.
Listening was pretty fine, as always:D
But Reading....ahhhh I even don't wanna think about it.
Well it was okay, really fine, but fior me, not fine at all!!
Coz it's a reading class! English class!
I should hhad studied much harder though.
Yes bad misa=(
And I was kinda depressed about it, so I decided to go back home in the difference way.
I was riding my bike on the different street, them guess what!
I met one guy I really don't wanna see never ever ever ever ever ever AGAIN!!!!
Gooooood, yes thanks god!!!
I was trying to go other ways but I had no choice. There is just one straight street to him.
Thank you very much.
ahhhh that was what happened yesterday damn it.
What's my plan for this weeekend...
Oh I have two kinda exams on Monday, so I should study huh?
Ohhhhh I'm afraid that I gonna go to bar again tomorrow.lol
I dont wanna be bad Misaaaaaa=(
Okaaaay times up!
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Mike's Lucky Day

Summer Vacation Plans
I’m going to Tokyo to visit my best friends! I love Tokyo for visiting. I will save up enough money this time, so I can shop many cute clothes there! And my friend from Indonesia might visit Japan, Tokyo and Hokkaido, so hopefully I can see her in Tokyo and bring over to here, Kumamoto.
I plan to go to beach, camping, do some fire works. I hope I will got o driving school to get driving license!
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Girls Night:D
Halloooooo wassup guys=)
Okieeees, I gonna talk about Sat. and Sun. Girls Night! hA!
We were planning that girls night a bit ago, and call friends in Eibei course.
Those girls are…(lemme say as alphabetical!) Ayaka, amall Ayaka, Ayami, Haruna, Mari, Masumi, Marina, Misa, me=P, Natsuki, Sayaka, Yoshie!
Tooooo bad that Yoshie and Haruna couldn’t come tho…=(
Yoshie gotta fever(T-T)!!! I know how she was so excited about this girls night and wanna come soooo badly! I missed you Yoshieeeeeeee!!!!! Frickin stupid fever!!!
Anyway fist we went all went to one dining bar called Pri Madonna (Is the spell right?). Their food was good and they had soooo many kinds of drinks and made us damn happy! After a little while, Misa came in late and we had pretty good food and drinks so we all got sooooo excited and just kept talking crapping our hands and laughing out loud sooooooo bad. And at the last Mari finally came in late! We couldn’t catch her for an hour so were worried about her tho. And our 2 hours course seemed like ending, so we took some pics as you see and got out of the restaurant.
We went to Tsutaya to take some print-club and we went there separating couple groups. And we were waiting some girls to get together but found out some of them just left!! We were like a….wwwwwwwhhaaaat?!?! How come they didn’t say anything to us---(T-T)!!lol
So we took photos, includes Ayaka, small Ayaka, Ayami, Masumi, Marina, Misa, Sayaka=) (See the pics?)

Aaaaand After that, Misa just went to work. (She said she was gonna bake to us after about an hour.) Ayami and Marina said they wanted some coffee so we went to Dotall. And Masumi and Sayaka had to back home but wait for bus so we waited in Dotall. We talked again and had fun and suddenly realized Masumi and Sayaka were so late to come in. Then Marina said they already left!!! Guuuuuuuyyyyyyyssss!!!!LOL That night, many people left saying nothing to some people, well they were sooo free and it was sooo funny=P
Passed midnight, we went to Karaoke-Kan to sing for free time!
It wasn’t that expensive and it was pretty good deal!
Misa came back from her work and we all got sooooooo excited!!!!
We sung songs really loudly (lol), and just jump and jump and jump!
Sooooo much fun tho!
I went to bar for an hour by myself but hanging out with them was tooo much fun and bar was kinda boring.lmao So, I backed to Karaoke early and smallhad Ayaka and Ayami backed home.
So girls-Ayaka, Marina, Misa and me were still staying.
In the middle Misa died (Well I died too at last, lol), and Marina went to crazy.LMAO
We stayed until 6 in the morning=P
We finally went to home.
Hahaha sorrrrrry for damn long journal=P
But I wanted to leave it as I felt.
But what I wanna say is it was damn fun!
Stupid tests and essays stuff are coming sooooon.
But we had soooo many fun plans left in summer break! Rrrriiight???
So guys lets get them done=P!
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Just a Joke
Today I made it on time for this class=P
Uh again, what I gonna write about......
Oh take a look at this!
Click HERE
This is just a joke that my friend gave me, and I thinkit's funny so check this out:D
Today I'm going to cafe after English school with my new friend!
We just got be friends at bar and haven't talked a lot, so I'm little bit narvus about it but I hope it would be fun.
Well I have to go back home before the trum finish last line, because I should study and I'm going out for drink with Eibei friendsssssss!!!!!yay yay
I'm soooooo excited about it and you guys too righhhhht???
It's before tests, but let's have sooooo crazy and fun and work hard on all damn tests and essays stuff yo!
Ummmmmmm what I gonna write about....
Today is Friday, day passed day so quickly I feel.
Okkkkiiieees........oh I'm soooo sleepy today:O
I went to bed passed 6-ish in this morning.....I wasn't supposed to because I had a plan for it but....=(
hey hey you you, I don't like your girlfriend! No way no way I think you need a new one!
You are so fine that I want you mine, you are so derisious!
G-friend by avril lavigne=P
7th Ave.

Good to finish school early today:D
I changed my hair color...well it didn't come out exactly same color I asked but....it's okay though:S
I got pink high light, finally!woooo
The staff said there were more couple of people got pink high light this weekend! Avril?:P
Ohhhhhhhh guess what's day is it todaaaaay!!!
w-inds. NEW ALBUM "7th Ave."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course I bought it today!
they are just.......awesome!!!!!
The album is great, and it also have special DVD for the first one:D
Check it out yoooo!
Seeeeee ya!