Well I should say I WAS having bad days.
I had said something bad even I really didn’t think about! They weren’t my real feeling but I just said something bad. I even don’t know why. Well that was ok, because I will be more careful.
And I got something really bad.
I was so shocked, mad and also sad. I love English. I love to talk with native speakers and have some funs, but I felt I might begin to be afraid to talk in English. I thought that it’s too difficult to understand people have different culture. I’m really depressed about it. But it wasn’t different culture’s fault. For those problems, it depend people. That’s all.
I can’t do this anymore. Just doing nothing is no good for me.
And today, I called my host family.
That made me so happy. I felt so much loves. I felt I want to learn English more and more. I’m going to visit them next summer so I keep going to English conversation school and study lots of English at school too. And that reminds me that I love English and having conversation again!!
I love my host family and friends in US.